Stack Rank and Now, Next, Later components can be found in the left toolbar of a Whiteboard.
The Stack feature is meant to allow users to take a single list and dynamically showcase the order of priority or action within the list. Now, Next, Later amplifies the stack feature, allowing teams to create a prioritized, phased list to help with road mapping!
Once the feature is selected, and added to the Whiteboard, you will see an initial Card in the Stack or Now, Next, Later to help you get started.
From there, by selecting the “+” button, more cards can be added and re-ordered within the component. These components can be organized and moved between stacks.
Once a card is selected, within the right rail, users can adjust the colored bar, by selecting the card, and adjusting the color in the right rail.
When a card is selected, users can also add a link that will be associated with the card. Custom badging for the link is shown if it is a Brightidea link, a jira link, or a generic URL.
When a card is selected, users can also assign a user to be associated with the card. The user's avatar will be placed on the card and the right panel.
The component will also interact with text on your page. Drag and drop Bulleted lists or a plain text box onto the component and automatically have the content get parsed into separate cards.