In Pipeline Management, administrators and evaluators have the ability to collaborate in different ways using multiple comment types on their action items.
General Access Comments
General Access comments are regular comments that are seen by all of your users who have access to the idea where the comment is made.
- To post a General Access comment select "General Access" from the dropdown menu in the comment section.
- The posted General Access comments can be seen by all of your users who access the idea:
- General Access comment email notifications will be sent to all idea submitters and subscribers.
Private Comments
Private comments are only seen by administrators and evaluators.
- To post a private comment select "Private" from the dropdown menu in the comment section on the action item:
- Private comments will appear on the idea with a yellow "Private" label indicating the comment type:
- Only fellow evaluators will receive notifications of new "Private" comments on their action items.
- Regular end users and idea submitter(s) will not receive any notification and will not have access to these comments.
- In the "Currently in Step" tab list of ideas (Administrator only), the yellow speech bubble icon next to the idea title indicates that a private comment has been made to that idea.
- The user can hover over the icon to see what kind of comment was submitted and their counts:
Submitter Q&A
Submitter Q&A comments are private threads that allow the idea submitter(s) and idea team members to be involved in the comment thread with idea evaluators or administrators.
- To post a Submitter Q&A comment select "Submitter Q&A" from the dropdown menu in the comment section:
- Comments marked as "Submitter Q&A" will be visible to idea submitter and all evaluators on the idea:
- After a "Submitter Q&A" comment is posted a yellow icon labeled "Submitter Q&A" will appear next to the comment.
- With this comment type, the idea submitter will receive a notification alerting them of the comment post.
- Similar to "Private" comments above, the "Currently in Step" tab also indicates that Submitter Q&A comment has been made to that idea and the count of each:
Important Notes:
- Any user assigned as an action item evaluator will be able to post/view General Access, Private, and Submitter Q&A comments. The Development tool type has a setting to hide private comments from non-admin users, however if a user is assigned as an evaluator in any other tool type the private comments will still be visible to those users.
This document is great, I would recommend adding some information about the attachments capability.