'Community Stats' Widget

Community Stats Widget

  • This widget displays the WebStorm totals for the following items: Ideas, comments, votes and users.
  • Note: Users accounts for ACTIVE AND REGISTERED users. 
Displays the campaign totals for the following items: Ideas, comments,
votes and usersisplays the campaign totals for the following items: Ideas, comments,votes and users.
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    Does it also count the amount of mixed ideas?

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    Does it also count the amount of mixed ideas?

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    Brightidea Support


    Can you please clarify what you mean by "Mixed Ideas"?

    Thank you,

    Ron Orlovetskiy

    Brightidea Support

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    Hi Ron!

    I mean the merged ideia.

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    I guess I´ve figured out what I as looking for.

    All the MERGED IDEAS, set as CHILD will not be add to the Community Stats. So that´s why the IDEA TOTAL shown in the Dashboard view is little different than the IDEA Count shown here at this Stats widget.

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    Damian Dugdale

    Can you confirm how the number for users is arrived at.
