What options does Brightidea have for saving user login credentials?
Note: These features could violate company security polices, please confirm this before having them enabled in your system.
- BETA --> "Allow browser to save login credentials"
- This features allows the browser to save the login credentials used to login to Enterprise and/or WebStorm (Challenge),
- BETA --> "Stay Logged In"
- A check-box on the login screen which the user can select.
- This feature keeps the user's login session active for 3 weeks.
- The user does not need to login each time they visit the site.
- Administrator who selects this option will be promoted to enter their login credentials if they try to access Enterprise/WebStorm setup.
Dear support,
if I enable the "Stay logged in" option at Enterprise level, would the option be valid for all the webstorm within my enterprise or should I flag the option in all webstorms?