'Private Messaging' in Brightidea

Within Brightidea, users have the ability to communicate with your fellow innovators via private messaging - right within your Brightidea system.  To access this functionality - please consider the following:

  • First, administrators need to make sure "Private Messaging" is enabled on either WebStorm or Enterprise levels:
  • The administrator can find it under WebStorm or Enterprise Setup --> Site --> Components 


Via Enterprise Level

  • When using the updated Enterprise level profile, there is an option to send a message on the far left under the user's photo
  • Select "Send a Message" - fill out subject and message body, and select "Send" when finished!
  • Please Note: Users can find other users by using the Brightidea Search, or by selecting any user's name within the Updates feed, idea lists, or ideas, and more!

  • By logging into the Brightidea Landing Page, any Brightidea user can see their unread, sent, previous messages.
  • The user can also send new messages, delete, or mark unread messages
  • If "Private Messaging" is disabled, the "Messages" tab will be removed from the Landing Page
  • In Brightidea, any user can easily hover over any Brightidea user's name within the system - whether it'd be in an idea, a search, or widget or in the users' profile.
  • Once hovered, user(s) can select "Message" and begin to enter message to that specific Brightidea user:


Via WebStorm Level

  • If the Brightidea system is using the older version of the Enterprise profile and/or the WebStorm level profile - a "Send a Message" option will show on any users' profile:
    • User profiles can be selected manually via anywhere in the site or in search.


  • Administrators can add the "My Messages" widget on any page (including the profile) on WebStorm level or "Enterprise My Messages" widget on Enterprise level


Important things to Note:

  • Rich text and HTML are not yet supported in private messages
  • Private messages take into account timezone and date formatting within widgets and in the Brightidea Landing page.
  • Private messages cannot be searched
  • Emails are triggered from either WebStorm or Enterprise level templates 
    • The template can be easily edited - and is located in WebStorm or Enterprise Setup --> Site --> System Email Messages --> WebStorm --> Private Message Notification
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    Damian Dugdale

    Is it possible to send bulk private messages from a specific user?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hello Damian,

    There is no functionality in the software to send bulk messages at this time.

    Thank you,

    Ron Orlovetskiy

    Brightidea Support

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    Kuhan Milroy

    How does one send to multiple recipients? (space, semicolon and commas do not work)
    And it does say 'Enter Recipient (s)'.

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    Joseph Hines

    Hi Kuhan,

    The private messaging feature is designed to only send to individual users. I will have our product team change this to 'Enter Recipient.' Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks!


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    Kuhan Milroy

    Thought so. Thanks Joe!

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    Colleaga Admin

    I'm just wondering if the interface is different now. Because I couldn't find Components tab on my Site Admin page anymore.
