What exports are available in Pipeline?

What exports are available in Pipeline?


Table of Contents:

Getting Started

  • Brightidea has several Pipeline exports available for the System Administrator to access.
    • To get started, navigate to the Enterprise landing page and select 'Manage Pipelines' from the gear icon in the top right corner:


In Pipeline, the administrator can Export the reports in the below areas:

Grid Export

    • In pipeline select 'List' from menu in the top right corner.
      • To export a report click on the green Excel icon:



        • The administrator can now view a detailed report of all submissions in the pipeline. 
        • Default Information includes:
          • Title, Submission Code, Stage Name, Step Name, Submission Date, Submitter, Category, Status, Points, Total Views and Visibility.
        • Note: This export will also accommodate any extra columns added to the 'grid' view.


Steps Export

Step-level exports for Submissions and Action Items are now available for all steps configured to Pipeline tools. Users will receive an email to download the export, once the export is ready.

  • In Pipeline, select Steps from the drop-down menu in the top right corner (this is also the default view):



    • Select the gear icon on the top right of the step you wish to do an Export for. 
      • Then select the Excel icon to perform an Export of the step data.


    • The administrator will then be prompted to select the kinds of report(s) to download:


Action Items Report:

        • The Action Items report will show information about each submission associated with that step in Pipeline such as Step Name, Tool Type, Evaluator/ Assigner, Evaluator/ Assigner Email, Date Assigned, Date Due, Status, and Date of Status Update.

 Submission Report:

        • The Submission Report gives more detailed information about each submission such as Decision, Decision Maker, Status, Submitter, Category, Tags, Views, Vote Score, Comment Count, Rating, and Percentile.
      • Once the report is requested, an email will be sent to the requester with a link to download the report.

Manage Section Exports

  • In the Steps view in Pipeline, select the gear icon on the top right of any of the steps in Pipeline.
    • Select Manage (Name of Tool):


      • There are two kinds of Exports in Manage Section: Action Items Progress and Commit Decisions:
      • Action Items Progress Report:
        • Select the Action Items Progress tab in the manage view and then the Excel icon on the bottom right:


    • The report generates basic information about action items for each user such as Percent Complete, Amount Assigned, Amount Remaining, Average Completion Time, and Last Login Date



    • Commit Decisions Export
      • In the Manage Sections menu select Commit Decisions
      • Select the Actions --> Export:


      • The administrator will then be prompted to select Scorecard Detail for the report(s) to Export:




Scorecard User Score Detail

      • Displays the score that each individual evaluator gave to each submission.

Scorecard Response Detail (Count)

      • For each submission this displays:
        • Each question and answer for the scorecard
        • Each answer for those questions
        • Number of people who selected that answer

Scorecard Response Detail (Percentage)

      • For each submission this displays:
        • Each question for the scorecard
        • Each answer for those questions
        • Out of all evaluators who answered, the percent of how many selected that answer

Scorecard Response Detail (Text)

      • For each submission this displays:
        • Each question for the scorecard
        • For all evaluators, the text for each answer that they selected

Scorecard Response Detail (Flag)

      • For each submission this displays:
        • Each question for the scorecard
        • Each answer for each question
        • Each evaluator and if they selected that answer or not
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