Brightidea's Userhome

The Userhome is a personal innovation dashboard that is configured for each specific User. This dashboard is built to be the central hub for Users which will include activity and metrics that inform Users of their engagement level and provide information on relevant innovations. Every innovator can easily see all their Submissions, Activities, Projects, Metrics and much more.


Table of Contents

How To Enable

User Homepage feature is not enabled by default. Admins will need to configure their User Home to accommodate the information that their Users will see. You can find your User Homepage options within your Enterprise Setup > Site > User Homepage.


With this option enabled, each User's profile page will be set to the User Homepage, rather than the Member Landing Page.

The User Homepage will have several options you can apply -

  • Highlights
  • Activities
  • My Ideas
  • Submissions
  • Projects
  • Helpful Links

Also, Admins will be able to set the User Homepage to be the main landing page rather than the Enterprise Homepage. This setting can be found under Enterprise Setup > Site > General Settings.


Important Note: User Home page will only redirect Users that login through the login page or if they click on their company logo within Global Navigation.

Viewing Your User Homepage

Once you have confirmed your User Homepage is enabled, you will see a new options underneath your User icon that links to 'Home', 'Profile', 'Settings' and 'Log Out'.

  • NOTE: If you do not see the dropdown options, please contact your Brightidea Account Manager to enable for you.

The 'Home' link is your new User Homepage that will show everything from User Highlights, My Ideas, My Submissions, Projects and Helpful Links.


Alternatively, you can navigate directly to the user homepage by adding /userhome to your URL, for example:

The user homepage URL can also be added to your Enterprise dynamic navigation by adding link with dynamic field [User Home]:


The User Homepage is broken down into different sections that are organized for an easier Submission engagement.

Activity Feed

The Activity Feed organizes User activity to two main streams. My Feed and All Activity

  • My Feed: Shows content that is only relevant to Submissions/Initiatives you have engaged with
  • All Activity: Shows all engagement to Initiatives you have access to
  • Filtering: Allows users to sort My Feed or All Activity by Comments, Submissions, and Votes.

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Hovering over Users screen names will also allow you to View their Profile or Follow them


Hovering over the timestamp link will take you to the Submission/Initiative that was engaged with

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The Highlights section will be all engagement other Users have made towards your Submissions, comments, or Initiatives you are a part of.

Here, you will also see a section for Key Performance Indicator (or Metrics) that your account has been a part of.


You may enable such KPIs/Metrics as Ideas, Activities, Submissions, Collaborators, Projects, and Business Impact. Hovering over each of these KPIs/Metrics will provide a tool tip with more information.

Also, Administrators can enable an Administrator Message that will display on all User's Homepage with a custom message.



The Activities section will show all Initiatives that your account has access to. If Admins have enabled the Community filter tab for your User Home, Users will see a filter tab in the top-left that displays which Community they have access to, and can filter all the Initiatives that belong in the Community on their page.

This requires communities and User home to both be enabled. The community filter can be turned ON by admins from System Setup > Beta tab.

If you are an Administrator, take note that this section is not meant for you to manage these Sites.


Initiatives that are in pre-launch will now show a countdown within the Activities tab


My Ideas

The My Ideas section is for all your captured ideas that you have quickly recorded into Brightidea. These Ideas are not assigned to any Initiative and are "free-floating" until they have been organized by you.


My Submissions

The My Submissions section is for all ideas, projects, opportunities, etc. you have submitted and showing the Initiative that each Submission belongs to. You can also see any Team Submissions that you are a part of.


This section also has a tab that allows you to view any Drafts you have. You can also delete any drafts by clicking the Delete button in the bottom-right corner.



The Projects section is every Team WorkSpaces you are currently a part of. You will see important details, such as the Riskiest Assumption and Workspace Team, for each Team WorkSpace listed below the Submission image.


Helpful Links

The Helpful Link section is a duplicate of your Enterprise Navigation. Any link showing under the Helpful Links section will direct Users to the same pages that are set under your Navigation. To edit this section, you will need to edit your Navigation.


Important Notes

  • Not all components of the User Homepage are label editable or can be translated.
  • The design of the page is not customizable at this time and widgets are not supported.
  • If you are utilizing our Private Messages feature, please note, the User Homepage does not support Private Messaging at this time., you will need to keep the Member Landing Page enabled if that is required for your site.


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