Project Room

Within this article, we'll explain all you need to know to get started using Brightidea's Project Room:

Creating a Project Room 

From the View Idea page:

When viewing a Submission within your Pipeline, select the (...) button in the top right corner to access the Actions menu and select Send to Project Room

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.30.52 PM.png

Alternatively, Admins can add the Project Room widget on the View Idea 3.0 page and select Add Project Room:

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.45.11 PM.png

You can choose to send the Submission to an existing room:

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.33.10 PM.png

Alternatively, if you elect to create a new room to send the Submission, the system will prompt you to input a name, and a new room will be created.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.34.55 PM.png

Once the Submission has been sent to the Project Room, you will see the Room(s) listed within the View Idea 3.0 widget. You will also see the Submission within the Room space.


Copying a Project Room

To copy a Project Room, hover over the Room on the Project Room Homepage and select Save a Copy from the menu. 

Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 12.17.56 PM.png

A new Project Room will automatically be created. The copy will contain everything from the original except uploaded files and members.

Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 12.18.14 PM.png


Project Room Homepage

New Project Rooms can be created through the Project Room link in the left panel of the User Homepage.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.57.03 PM.png


Newly created Project Rooms will start as a completely blank canvas- all objects, assets, and Team Members must be manually added. 

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.58.33 PM.png


Understanding the Updates Page

When navigating within a specific Project Room, Team Members can view the Description, the list of assigned Team Members, and the current Task count with associated statuses. 

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.21.01 PM.png


Configuration and Sharing

Under Project Room Settings > Settings, you can rename the Room, update the Project Room image, and add a Description to be displayed on the Updates page. 

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.21.59 PM.png


Under Project Room Settings > Members, you can add, edit, or remove Room Team Members. When a new Team Member is added to a Room, they will automatically receive an email notification unless the option is disabled under Project Room Settings > Notifications. 

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.22.23 PM.png

Note: When Team Members are added to a Project Room, they are automatically granted access to all its assets, with the exception of Ideas they do not already have permission to view.


Adding, editing, and removing objects 

From the left panel of the Project Room, users can add: 

  • Folders 
  • Ideas 
  • Memos 
  • Whiteboards 
  • Links 
  • Business Impact 
  • Tasks 
  • Files*

When adding a Whiteboard or Memo, users can create a new one or select an existing one. 

All objects can be moved and organized within the left rail, including adding items within folders up to one level deep. Once added, objects can also be renamed, favorited, or opened in a new tab. 

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.22.57 PM.png

*Important Notes for Files:

  • Users can upload any type of file.
  • Non-video file uploads have a maximum size limit of 150MB.
  • Video file uploads have a maximum size limit of 500MB.
  • Note: If a file is too large and takes longer than 30 seconds to upload, Brightidea will automatically terminate the upload to prevent further issues.


Task Management 

Multiple task pages can be added to a Project Room. Each task contains:

  • Task Name 
  • Assignee - Only Team Members within the Room will appear for selection
  • Status 
  • Due Date 
  • Notes

Tasks can be Filtered and Sorted by column:

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.24.08 PM.png


Tasks can also be managed en masse by checking the selection box for multiple Tasks for more efficient management. Multiple Tasks can be deleted, moved via drag & drop, marked as Complete, or sent to the Whiteboard with one action.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.25.02 PM.png

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