Brightidea's 'System Email Messages' Guide

This guide is intended to help both System and Site-level Administrators with editing default system email messages within the Brightidea system.



  • Both the front-end Site & back-end Pipeline each send out a series of emails to its users based on certain events. The guide below includes various sections such as:
    • Useful terminology
    • Instructions for editing templates
    • Find a list of dynamic fields that can be used in any of the templates
    • Samples and details for each of the emails
  • To access the email templates, navigate to System or Site Setup > Site > System Email Messages
  • Once there, Admins will see a dropdown menu.  
    • Admins can access a template for every instance of an automated email sent from Brightidea under three main categories. These templates can be customized accordingly.


Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 10.03.20 AM.png



Subject & Body

  • Just like a typical email, the Subject displays the subject line of the email, and the Body is the main content. 
    • Note: Administrators can insert dynamic fields into both the Subject and Body fields.
  • While the system has default templates preloaded for convenience, we encourage Administrators to customize them to match their preferences.
  • Email templates are HTML-friendly.

Dynamic Fields

  • Dynamic fields display continuously changing information. They generate information unique to recipients each time an email is sent.
  • For example, to configure an email to use each recipient's respective screen name, first name, or last name, Admins can locate and select the desired field from the dropdown menu, place the cursor over the desired location in the email, then select Insert. Dynamic fields can also be added by manually enclosing the dynamic field name in brackets [like this].
    • Note: The availability of these dynamic fields will vary by template. 
  • For a complete list of dynamic fields and their definitions, check out this support article.

Site / Enterprise Relationship

  • By default, all System-level templates will be used on all Initiatives.
  • If an Administrator makes a change on the Initiative level, that Initiative will switch to using the Initiative-level template going forward.

List of all Email Templates



Enterprise / Site Email Notifications


Abuse Report from Comment

Description: User reports an unsatisfactory comment which gets forwarded to the administrator.

Recipient(s): Contact Email in Site

Trigger:  Clicking on the Red Flag next to the posted comment

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: Abuse has been reported on a comment

Default Email Text:

[REPORTER_SCREEN_NAME] has reported abuse on a comment posted by [COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME].


[REPORTER_SCREEN_NAME]'s reason for reporting abuse:


Please click the following link to view this comment:



Abuse Report on Idea

Description: User reports an unsatisfactory idea which gets forwarded to the administrator.

Recipient(s): Enterprise/Site Administrators  

Trigger: Clicking on “Report Abuse” next to “Status” of an idea.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: Abuse has been reported on an idea

Default Email Text:

[REPORTER_SCREEN_NAME] has reported abuse on an idea posted by [IDEA_SUB_SCREEN_NAME].


[REPORTER_SCREEN_NAME]'s reason for reporting abuse:


Please click the following link to view this idea:



Alert Idea Tag Subscriber

Description:  Email that gets triggered to idea tag subscriber.

Recipient(s): Tag subscriber / follower

Trigger: When an idea has been submitted or edited with a tag that a user is subscribed to / following. 

Default Subject Text: Interesting Idea Tagged (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:


The idea “[IDEA_TITLE]” (#[IDEA_CODE]) may be of interest to you as tags you subscribe to have been added: [TAG_NAME].
You can navigate to it by clicking the following URL: [URL]



Async Reports Download

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Site blog is posted.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Site.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Site blog is posted

Default Subject Text: The blog post [COMMUNICATION_NAME] has been posted.

Default Email Text:

The blog post [COMMUNICATION_NAME] has been posted,

Click here to review or make changes:



Blog to be Posted

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Site blog is posted.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative blog is posted

Default Subject Text: The blog post [COMMUNICATION_NAME] has been posted.

Default Email Text:

The blog post [COMMUNICATION_NAME] has been posted for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME].'

Click here to view the blog post: [BLOG_POST_URL]


Blog to be Posted Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative blog will be posted soon.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative blog reminder notification.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: The blog post [COMMUNICATION_NAME] is scheduled to be posted on [COMMUNICATION_DATE]

Default Email Text:

The blog post '[COMMUNICATION_NAME]' is scheduled to be posted on [COMMUNICATION_DATE] for the Initiative '[INTIATIVE_NAME].'

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Initiative Change On Idea

Description: Email notification that is triggered when an Initiative / category has changed via Initiative Admin

Recipient(s): Idea / category subscriber of the idea

Trigger:  When a system or Initiative administrator changes the Initiative/category for idea(s).

Default Subject Text: Idea Initiative and Category Change (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:

The Initiative and category of [IDEA_SUB_SCREEN_NAME]'s idea [IDEA_TITLE] has been changed! Follow the link below to view the idea.



Initiative Change on Your Idea

Description:  Email notification that is triggered when a Initiative / category has changed via Pipeline Admin

Recipient(s): Idea submitter of the idea

Trigger:  When a system or Initiative administrator changes the Initiative/category for idea(s).

Default Subject Text: Idea Initiative and Category Change (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:

The Initiative and category of your idea [IDEA_TITLE] has been changed! Follow the link below to view the idea.




Comment End

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative commenting has ended.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative comment end notification.

Default Subject Text: Commenting for the Initiative '[INTIATIVE_NAME]' has ended

Default Email Text:

Commenting for the Initiative '[INTIATIVE_NAME]' has ended.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Comment Start

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative commenting has started.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative comment start notification.

Default Subject Text: Commenting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has started

Default Email Text:

Commenting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has started.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:

Comment End Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative commenting will be ending.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative comment end reminder notification.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: Commenting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' ends on [COMMENT_END_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Commenting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' is scheduled to end on [COMMENT_END_DATE].

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Comment Start Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative commenting will be starting.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative comment start reminder notification.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: [INITIATIVE_NAME] commenting begins on [INITIATIVE_COMMENTS_BEGIN_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Commenting for the Initiative [INITIATIVE_NAME] is scheduled to begin on [INITIATIVE_COMMENTS_BEGIN_DATE],

Click here to review or make changes:



Enterprise Comment on their own Update

Description: User gets notifiedemail notification about a new comment on an update you previously commented on. (Subscribed to User)

Recipient(s): User who posted the Enterprise update

Trigger: When a user comments on their own update that you commented on.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has commented on their own Update!

Default Email Text:

The user "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has commented on their own Update.


Follow the link below to view the comment.
View Update Comment



Enterprise Comment on their own Wall Post

Description: User gets notified about a new comment on their own Wall Post.

Recipient(s): User who posted the Enterprise Wall Post    

Trigger: User receives email when user comments on their wall post.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: [SCREEN_NAME] has made comment on their own wall post!

Default Email Text:

The user "[SCREEN_NAME]" has made comment on their own wall post.


Follow the link below to view the wall post.
View Wall Post



Enterprise Comment on Update

Description: User gets notifiedabout a new comment on an update.

Recipient(s): Users who commented on the Enterprise update  

Trigger: User receives email when user comments on an update.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: [COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME] has made comment on [UPDATE_POSTER_SCREEN_NAME]'s Update!

Default Email Text:

The user "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has made a comment on update.


Follow the link below to view the comment.
View Update Comment



Enterprise Comment on Wall Post 

Description: User gets notified about a new comment on a Wall Post

Recipient(s): Users who commented on the Enterprise Wall Post  

Trigger: User receives email when user comments on a wall post

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: [SCREEN_NAME] has made comment on [WALL_OWNER_SCREEN_NAME]'s Wall Post!

Default Email Text:

The user "[SCREEN_NAME]" has made a comment on [WALL_OWNER_SCREEN_NAME]'s Wall Post.


Follow the link below to view the wall post.
View Wall Post



Enterprise Comment on Your Update

Description: User is notified with email notification about a new comment on your update.

Recipient(s): User who posted the Enterprise update

Trigger:  When a user comments on your update.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: A comment has been made on your Update!

Default Email Text:

The user "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has made a comment on your update.


Follow the link below to view the comment.
View Update Comment



Enterprise Comment on Your Wall Post

Description: User gets notified about a new comment on your wall post.

Recipient(s): User who posted the Enterprise Wall Post  

Trigger: User receives email when user comments on your wall post

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: [SCREEN_NAME] commented on your wall post!

Default Email Text:

The user "[SCREEN_NAME]" commented on your wall post.

Follow the link below to view the wall post.
View Wall Post



Enterprise Invitation Request

Description: User receives email to be invited to Enterprise system

Recipient(s): User who was sent the invitation request  

Trigger: Using the “Enterprise Invite A Friend” widget to invite a friend to

your Enterprise system.

Default Subject Text:  [SENDER_SCREEN_NAME] has invited you to join the [AFFILIATE_NAME]!

Default Email Text:

[SENDER_SCREEN_NAME] has invited you to the [AFFILIATE_NAME].

Please click the following link to participate: 



Enterprise New Password Request

Description: User receives email to reset their password for Enterprise login.

Recipient(s): User who requested the password reset  

Trigger: Clicking on “Reset Password” on login page.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: Password Change

Default Email Text:

Please follow the link below to change your password: 



Enterprise New User Account

Description: User receives email to register for Enterprise.

Recipient(s): User who the account was created for.  

Trigger:  Admin selects to create a new user account via Setup, user receives email.

Default Subject Text: Welcome to [AFFILIATE_NAME]! Your Account Information

Default Email Text:


You have been registered to participate in [AFFILIATE_NAME]. Your login information is included in this message. 

User Name: [SCREEN_NAME]
Email: [EMAIL]
Password: [PASSWORD]

Click on the link below to login.


Enterprise Password Recovery (invite only)

Description: User receives email to notify them they need to be invited.

Recipient(s): User who attempted to access an invite only Initiative

Trigger: Admin triggers reset password within Initiative or Enterprise setup.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: Password Change

Default Email Text:

You are not registered on our system and this system is by invitation only. 
Please contact the System Administrator for more information: [CONTACT_EMAIL]

Thank you.
- System Administrator



Enterprise Password Recovery (not registered)

Description: User trying to reset password – gets notified that they need to register for Enterprise.

Recipient(s): User who attempted access but does not have an account.  

Trigger:  User attempts to reset their password on Enterprise login, but gets a new email to register.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: Password Change

Default Email Text:

You are not registered on our system. Please follow below if you would like to register for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]:


Thank you.
- The Brightidea Team



Enterprise Post On Wall

Description: User gets notified when user posts on wall

Recipient(s): Users who commented on the Enterprise Wall Post  

Trigger: User receives email when user posts on wall

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: [SCREEN_NAME] posted on your Wall.

Default Email Text:

The user "[SCREEN_NAME]" posted on your Wall.


Follow the link below to view the wall post.
View Wall Post



Enterprise Registration Request

Description: User gets email to register for Enterprise.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration

Trigger:User selects “Register” on Enterprise login page, enters their email in, and receives this email.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME] Registration Confirmation

Default Email Text:

Please follow the link below to complete registration: 

Enterprise Registration Request (existing account)

Description: Email gets sent to notify user they already are registered when trying to request registration for Enterprise.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request but already is registered.

Trigger:  User attempts to register, and gets this email if they already have an account    in the system

Default Subject Text: Registration request for [AFFILIATE_NAME].

Default Email Text:

You are already registered with this email address for [AFFILIATE_NAME]. Follow the link below to log in:

Thank you.
- The Brightidea Team



Enterprise Twitter Registration Request

Description: Email gets sent to request Twitter login information to register for Enterprise.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request via Twitter registration.  

Trigger:Selecting Twitter login on Enterprise login

Default Subject Text: Please complete your registration for [AFFILIATE_NAME]...

Default Email Text:


Please follow the link below to complete registration for [AFFILIATE_NAME].



Facebook Registration (existing account)

Description: User gets emailed if they attempt to register with an existing Facebook account login.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request via Facebook Registration but is already registered in the system.

Trigger: Selecting Facebook login on Enterprise login – already has account and is triggered an email saying they are already in the system.

Default Subject Text: Registration request for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]

Default Email Text:

You are already registered with this email address for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]. Follow the link below to log in:


Thank you.
- The Brightidea Team



Facebook Registration Request

Description: User receives email to confirm their registration of their Initiative account for Facebook.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request via Facebook registration.  

Trigger: User requests to login via Facebook login on login page

Default Subject Text: Registration request for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]

Default Email Text:

Please follow the link below to complete registration:

Thank you.
- The Brightidea Team



Follow User

Description: User gets notified letting them know someone is following their activity.

Recipient(s): User who was followed by another user in the system.  

Trigger: Notifies user they are being followed once a user selects “Follow” on a user in Enterprise.

Default Subject Text: [AFFILIATE_NAME]: [SCREEN_NAME] is now following you

Default Email Text:

The user "[SCREEN_NAME]" is now following you.
Follow the link below to view [SCREEN_NAME]'s profile



Idea Status Change Notification

Description: User gets notified the status of an Idea changes. (Subscribed to Idea)

Recipient(s): Users who are subscribed to the idea(s)  

Trigger:  Admin changes status via Initiative or Initiative admin interface.

Default Subject Text: Idea Status Change (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:

The status of [IDEA_SUB_SCREEN_NAME]'s idea [IDEA_TITLE] has been changed! Follow the link below to view the idea.




Idea Status Change Notification (submitter’s)

Description: User gets notified the status of one of the submitters’ ideas changes.

Recipient(s): User who submitted the idea  

Trigger:  Submitter of idea gets notified if their idea gets changed via Initiative or Initiative admin interface.

Default Subject Text: Idea Status Change (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:

The status of your idea [IDEA_TITLE] has been changed! Follow the link below to view your idea.



Idea Submission End

Description: Administrator is notified when idea submission has ended in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative idea submission ends.

Default Subject Text: Idea Submission for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has started

Default Email Text:

Idea Submission for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has ended.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Idea Submission End Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when a Submission will be ending in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative idea submission ending reminder.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: Idea Submission for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' ends on [IDEA_SUBMISSION_END_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Idea Submission for the Initiative [INITIATIVE_NAME] is scheduled to end on [IDEA_SUBMISSION_END_DATE].

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Idea Submission Start

Description: Administrator is notified when a Submission has started in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative idea submission start notification.

Default Subject Text: [INITIATIVE_NAME] Idea Submission begins on [INITIATIVE_IDEA_SUBMISSION_BEGIN_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Idea Submission for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has started.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Idea Submission Start Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when idea submission will be starting in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative idea submission start reminder notification.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: Idea Submission for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' begins on [IDEA_SUBMISSION_START_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Idea Submission for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' is scheduled to start on [IDEA_SUBMISSION_START_DATE].

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:


Invalid Idea

Description: Email gets triggered when a user tries to reply to a comment notification

Recipient(s): Idea replier via email

Trigger:  When a user replies to an idea comment

Default Subject Text: Invalid idea

Default Email Text:

You recently replied to an idea comment by emailing [SENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS]. Your message was rejected as the idea is no longer available.


Invalid Inbox

Description: Notification that is sent when a user attempts to submit an Idea via email to an erroneous email address. 

Recipient(s): Idea submitter via email

Trigger:  When user tries to submit an Idea to the wrong Brightidea email address for submission.

Default Subject Text:  Email sent to invalid address

Default Email Text:

You recently sent an email to [SENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS]. This address is invalid. Please check that you have the correct email address and try again.



Invitation Request

Description: User invites another user to participate in an active Initiative.

Recipient(s): User who was invited to register

Trigger:  User selects “Invite a friend” widget and invites user to that specific Initiative.

Default Subject Text: [SENDER_SCREEN_NAME] has invited you to join the [CAMPAIGN_NAME]!

Default Email Text:

[SENDER_SCREEN_NAME] has invited you to the [CAMPAIGN_NAME].

Please click the following link to participate: 


Link Idea Notification

Description: Notification that gets triggered when an administrator links two or more ideas via Initiative Admin

Recipient(s): Idea submitter & subscribers

Trigger:  When an administrator links ideas via Initiatice Admin

Default Subject Text: Link Idea Notification

Default Email Text:

The following ideas: [LINKED_IDEAS_CODE_URL] have been linked! Click on the idea codes to view the ideas.


New Blog Post

Description: User is notified about a new blog posting. (Subscribed to Blog)

Recipient(s): User(s) who are subscribed to the blog.  

Trigger: Users subscribed to an Initiative blog are notified of new posting(s).

Default Subject Text: New [CAMPAIGN_NAME] blog entry; [BLOG_TITLE]

Default Email Text:
Post author: [BLOG_AUTHOR]
[BLOG_CONTENT_SNIPPET] read more... 



New Comment on Idea

Description: User is notified about a new comment on an idea. (Subscribed to Idea)

Recipient(s): User(s) who are subscribed to the idea or previously commented on the idea.

Trigger:  If subscribed to an idea, and a comment is created, user gets notified.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: [SUB_SCREEN_NAME] also commented on [IDEA_SUB_SCREEN_NAME]'s idea...

Default Email Text:

[SUB_SCREEN_NAME] also commented on [IDEA_SUB_SCREEN_NAME]'s idea:


Please click the following link to view this comment:



New Comment on Their Idea

Description: User is notified about a new comment on an idea you previously commented on. (Subscribed to Idea)

Recipient(s): User who submitted the idea.

Trigger:  If user A comments on an idea, then User B comments on that idea, User A receives this email.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: [SUB_SCREEN_NAME] commented on their own idea...

Default Email Text:

[SUB_SCREEN_NAME] commented on their own idea:


Please click the following link to view this comment:



New Comment on Their Own Update

Description: User is notified about a new comment on an update you previously commented on. (Subscribed to Idea)

Recipient(s): User who posted the update.  

Trigger:  If User A comments on User B’s update, then User C comments on User B’s update, then User A receives this email.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has commented on their own Update!

Default Email Text:

The user "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has commented on their own Update.


Follow the link below to view the comment.
View Update Comment



New Comment On Update

Description: User is notified about a new comment on an update. (Subscribed to User)

Recipient(s): User who commented on the update.  

Trigger:  If subscribed to a user, user receives this email noting them of a comment of that user to an update.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: [COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME] has made comment on [UPDATE_POSTER_SCREEN_NAME]'s Update!

Default Email Text:

The user "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has made a comment on update.


Follow the link below to view the comment.
View Update Comment



New Comment on Your Idea

Description: User is notified about a new comment on your idea.

Recipient(s): User who submitted the idea.  

Trigger:  If you submit an idea, and a user comments on it, you receive this email.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: A comment has been made on your idea!

Default Email Text:

The user '[SUB_SCREEN_NAME]' has made a comment on your idea, '[IDEA_TITLE]'.


Please click the following link to view this comment:



New Comment on Your Update

Description: User is notified about a new comment on their Update.

Recipient(s): User who posted the update.  

Trigger: When a user replies to an update, the update poster will receive this email.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: A comment has been made on your Update!

Default Email Text:

The user "[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME]" has made a comment on your update.


Follow the link below to view the comment.

View Update Comment



New Idea Category Alert

Description: User is notified about a new idea in a specific category. (Subscribed to Category)

Recipient(s): User(s) who are subscribed to the idea category.  

Trigger: Via category subscription, the user receives this email notifying them of a new idea for that category.

Default Subject Text: Idea submitted to category: [CATEGORY]

Default Email Text:


A new idea (#[IDEA_CODE]) was added to the category '[CATEGORY]'. Please follow the link below to view the idea.



New Idea Submission Confirmation

Description: User gets notified when you submit an idea to confirm its submission.

Recipient(s): User(s) who submitted the idea

Trigger:  You submit an idea and receive this confirmation.

Default Subject Text: Idea Submission Confirmation (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:


Thank you for submitting your idea (#[IDEA_CODE]). You may check on the status of your submission at any time by clicking on the link below.



New Password Request

Description: User gets notifiedwhen a user requests to change their password.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the password reset  

Trigger:  On Initiative level, this email is sent when user requests to change their password via login page.

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: Password Change

Default Email Text:

Please follow the link below to change your password: 



New User Account

Description: User gets notifiedabout their new account details.

Recipient(s): User who the account was created for by an administrator.  

Trigger: On Initiative level, this email is sent when new user account is created via Setup.

Default Subject Text: Welcome to [CAMPAIGN_NAME]! Your Account Information

Default Email Text:

You have been registered to participate in [CAMPAIGN_NAME]. Your login information is included in this message. 

User Name: [SCREEN_NAME]
Email: [EMAIL]
Password: [PASSWORD]

Click on the link below to login.



Newsletter to be Sent

Description: Administrator is notified when newsletter was sent in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative newsletter notification.

Default Subject Text: The newsletter [COMMUNICATION_NAME] has been sent

Default Email Text:

The newsletter [COMMUNICATION_NAME] has been sent,

Click here to review or make changes:



Newsletter to be Sent Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when newsletter will be sent in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative newsletter notification reminder.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: The newsletter [COMMUNICATION_NAME] is scheduled to be sent on [COMMUNICATION_DATE]

Default Email Text:

The newsletter '[COMMUNICATION_NAME]' is scheduled to be sent on [COMMUNICATION_DATE] for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME].'

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Password Recovery (Invite Only)

Description: User gets notified explaining why a user cannot recover their password due to it being an “Invite Only” campaign.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the password reset but the system is restricted to “Invite Only”

Trigger:  Outside user tries to reset their password on an invite only private Initiative

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: Password Change

Default Email Text:

You are not registered on our system and this system is by invitation only. 
Please contact the System Administrator for more information: [CONTACT_EMAIL]

Thank you.
- System Administrator



Password Recovery (Not Registered)

Description: User gets notified of a hyperlink to reset their password upon login.  

Recipient(s): User who initiated the password reset but is not registered.  

Trigger:  User tries to recover password for system – but they are not registered for this specific Initiative

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME]: Password Change

Default Email Text:

You are not registered on our system. Please follow below if you would like to register for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]:


Thank you.
- The Brightidea Team



Private Message Notification

Description: User gets notified that they have received a private message.

Recipient(s): User who the private message was sent to.  

Trigger:  User A has sent User B a private message, you are User B receiving this email.

Default Subject Text: [SENDER_SCREEN_NAME] has sent you a private message.

Default Email Text:

The user [SENDER_SCREEN_NAME] has sent you a private message, '[MESSAGE_SUBJECT]'.

Please click the following link to view this message:



Registration Request

Description User gets notified requesting them to complete their registration.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request.

Trigger: For Initiative, user receives confirmation of registration request after “selecting” Register on login page (and entering their email)

Default Subject Text: [CAMPAIGN_NAME] Registration Confirmation

Default Email Text:

Please follow the link below to complete registration: 



Registration Request (Existing Account)

Description: User gets notified they’ve already registered and they have access to login by navigating to the link provided.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request but already has an account in the system.  

Trigger:  For Initiative, user gets notified if they attempt to register when they already have an account

Default Subject Text: Registration request for [CAMPAIGN_NAME].

Default Email Text:


You are already registered with this email address for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]. Follow the link below to log in:


Thank you.
- The Brightidea Team



Twitter Registration Request

Description: Automated message to confirm registration with their Twitter login credentials.

Recipient(s): User who initiated the registration request via Twitter registration.  

Trigger:  For Initiative, user receives email for Twitter login request via selection on the login page.

Default Subject Text: Please complete your registration for [CAMPAIGN_NAME]...

Default Email Text:


Please follow the link below to complete registration for [CAMPAIGN_NAME].




Unregistered Email Address

Description: Notification is sent to an unregistered Idea Submitter attempting to submit an idea to an Initiative.

Recipient(s): The idea submitter

Trigger:  When an unregistered user attempts to submit an idea via email

Default Subject Text: Unregistered user

Default Email Text:

You recently sent an email to [SENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS]. Since your email address is not registered in Initiative, your message was rejected. Please try again by sending from a registered email address.



User Invited to Project Room

Description: User(s) are notified when they are invited to a Project Room.

Recipient(s): User(s) who are invited to a Project Room.

Trigger:  User invites someone to a Project Room.

Default Subject Text: You have been invited to collaborate on [PROJECT_ROOM_TITLE]

Default Email Text:

Hello [INVITEE],

You have been invited by [PROJECT_ROOM_ CREATOR] to collaborate on a project, [PROJECT_ROOM_TITLE].

To view the room and start working, click here: [PROJECT_URL]


User Tagged in Idea Comment

Description: User(s) are notified when they are tagged in a comment.

Recipient(s): User(s) who are tagged in the comment

Trigger:  User tags someone in a comment post.

Default Subject Text: You have been tagged in an idea comment for "[IDEA_TITLE]"

Default Email Text:


[SUB_SCREEN_NAME] has tagged you in an idea comment in the idea "[IDEA_TITLE]"


Navigate to the Idea by clicking the following URL: [IDEA_URL]


User Tagged in Updates Feed

Description: User(s) are notified when they are tagged in the updates feed.

Recipient(s): User(s) who are tagged in the updated feed.

Trigger:  User tags someone in an update post.

Default Subject Text: You have been tagged in a post

Default Email Text:


[SUB_SCREEN_NAME] has tagged you in a post.


Navigate to the post by clicking the following URL: [POST_URL]


Voting End

Description: Administrator is notified when voting ends in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s):Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:Automated scheduled Initiative voting has ended.

Default Subject Text: Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has ended

Default Email Text:

Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has ended.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Voting End Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when voting will be ending in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative voting is about to end.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' ends on [VOTING_END_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' is scheduled to end on [VOTING_END_DATE].

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Voting Start

Description: Administrator is notified when voting has started in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative voting has started

Default Subject Text: Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has started

Default Email Text:

Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has started.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Voting Start Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when voting will be starting in a scheduled Initiative.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative voting is about to start.

Default Subject Text: Reminder: Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' starts on [VOTING_START_DATE]

Default Email Text:

Voting for the Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' is scheduled to start on [VOTING_START_DATE].

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Initiative End

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative has ended.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative has ended

Default Subject Text: The Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has closed

Default Email Text:

The Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' has closed.

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:



Initiative End Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative will be ending.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative will be ending soon

Default Subject Text: Reminder: The Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' closes on [COMMENT_END_DATE]

Default Email Text:

The Initiative '[INITIATIVE_NAME]' is scheduled to close on [INITIATIVE_END_DATE].

Click here to review or make changes to your Initiative Schedule:


Initiative Feedback

Description: Alert that gets triggered to Initiative sponsor requesting their feedback around Initiative results.

Recipient(s): Initiative Sponsor for Initiative

Trigger:  When an administrator requests feedback from Initiative sponsor.

Default Subject Text: Your feedback has been requested for [INITIATIVE_NAME]

Default Email Text:


Please take a few moments to provide feedback for the Initiative INITIATIVE_NAME]. Submit feedback by clicking the following URL:

Thank you for your participation!
-Innovation Service Group


Initiative Feedback Reminder

Description: Alert that gets triggered to Initiative sponsor reminding them they have feedback to respond to.

Recipient(s): Initiative Sponsor for Initiative

Trigger:  Reminder setup by the Initiative Admin when requesting feedback

Default Subject Text: Your feedback has been requested for [INITIATIVE_NAME]

Default Email Text:


Please take a few moments to complete an feedback for the Initiative
[INITIATIVE_NAME]. Navigate to your feedback by clicking the following URL:

Thanks for your participation!

- Innovation Service Group



Initiative Start

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative has started.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative has started

Default Subject Text: Initiative [INITIATIVE_NAME] has launched

Default Email Text:

The Initiative [INITIATIVE_NAME] has launched.

Click here to review or make changes:



Initiative Start Reminder

Description: Administrator is notified when scheduled Initiative will be starting.

Recipient(s): Administrator who created the scheduled Initiative.

Trigger:  Automated scheduled Initiative will be starting soon

Default Subject Text: Reminder: [INITIATIVE_NAME] begins on [INITIATIVE_BEGIN_DATE]

Default Email Text:

The Initiative [INITIATIVE_NAME] is scheduled to begin on [INITIATIVE_BEGIN_DATE],

Click here to review or make changes:



Switchboard Email Notifications



Action Item Notification

Description: Evaluator gets notified of a new action item.

Recipient(s): User who was assigned an action item to complete, as well as batch admins for their action items triggered.

Trigger: Administrator / Batch admin assigns scorecard or proposal action item to another Brightidea user

Default Subject Text: You have a new action item!

Default Email Text:

You have been assigned to evaluate an idea!
Please visit your action items.



Assign Proposal

Description: User receives notification when a proposal is assigned to them.

Recipient(s): User who was assigned a proposal to complete

Trigger: Proposal assigned to user in Switchboard.

Default Subject Text: Idea: You have been assigned ([PROPOSAL_COUNT]) proposals for completion

Default Email Text:


You have been assigned ([PROPOSAL_COUNT]) proposals for completion. Navigate to your open action items list by clicking the following URL:




Assign Scorecard

Description: User(s) get notified when scorecards are assigned to them.

Recipient(s): User(s) who were assigned a scorecard to complete

Trigger: Scorecard is assigned to user by an administrator.

Default Subject Text: Idea: You have been assigned ([SCORECARD_COUNT]) scorecards for evaluation

Default Email Text:


[ASSIGNED_BY] has assigned you ([SCORECARD_COUNT]) scorecard(s) for completion.




Evaluator team Member Comment

Description: User(s) get notified when an evaluator comment is made on a scorecard action item.

Recipient(s): User(s) who assigned the scorecard or user who originally dragged the idea into the batch.

Trigger: Evaluator makes a comment on the scorecard action item.

Default Subject Text: Idea: New evaluator comment on scorecard SCORECARD_NAME

Default Email Text:


[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME] commented on the scorecard [SCORECARD_NAME]. You can view the comments by clicking the URL: [SCORECARD_URL]



Idea Status Change Reason

Description: User gets notified when an Idea status is changed. 

Recipient(s): User(s) who is subscribed to the idea.

Trigger:When an admin changes an idea status.

Default Subject Text: Idea Status Change (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:

The status of [IDEA_SUB_SCREEN_NAME]'s idea [IDEA_TITLE] has been changed!


Follow the link below to view the idea.



Idea Status Change Reason (submitter's)

Description: User gets notified when their idea status is changed.

Recipient(s): User(s) who submitted the idea.

Trigger: When an admin changes your idea status.

Default Subject Text: Idea Status Change (#[IDEA_CODE])

Default Email Text:

The status of your idea [IDEA_TITLE] has been changed!


Follow the link below to view your idea.



Member added to a Proposal

Description: User gets notified when they are added to a proposal.

Recipient(s): User(s) who was added to the proposal team.

Trigger: Admin adds user to a proposal.

Default Subject Text: You have been invited to collaborate on a proposal!

Default Email Text:

You have been invited to collaborate on a proposal!
Please visit your proposals.



New Comment on Proposal

Description: Proposal team members get notified when a comment is made is made in the proposal discussion section.

Recipient(s): User(s) who are on to the proposal team.

Trigger: Comment is made in the proposal discussion.

Default Subject Text: New comment on proposal [PROPOSAL_NAME]

Default Email Text:

[COMMENTER_SCREEN_NAME] has commented on proposal [PROPOSAL_NAME]. Navigate to the proposal by clicking the following URL: [PROPOSAL_URL]



Proposal Confirmation to Assigner

Description: Alert to proposal assigner - noting a proposal has been committed by someone.

Recipient(s): The proposal assigner (usually the proposal owner)

Trigger:  When a user commits a proposal.

Default Subject Text: Proposal action item [PROPOSAL_NAME] (#[PROPOSAL_ID]) has been committed

Default Email Text:


Proposal action item [PROPOSAL_NAME] (#[PROPOSAL_ID]) has been committed. Navigate to the proposal using the following URL: [PROPOSAL_URL]



Proposal Smart Reminder

Description: An automated alert that gets triggered to user to remind them to commit an outstanding proposal.

Recipient(s):  Brightidea proposal team member.

Trigger:  If setup, a user will get a smart reminder set to them if they have proposals to complete.  The days of when they get this notification may vary based on what the admin sets up.

Default Subject Text:  Reminder: You have been assigned proposals for completion

Default Email Text:


You have been assigned proposals for completion. Navigate to your open action items list by clicking the following URL: [Open_Action_Items_URL]



Proposal Status Change

Description: User gets notified when a the status of proposal is changed

Recipient(s): User(s) who are on the proposal team.

Trigger: Administrator changes status of proposal

Default Subject Text: Proposal status change: [PROPOSAL_NAME] (#[PROPOSAL_CODE])                          

Default Email Text:


The status of [PROPOSAL_NAME] (#[PROPOSAL_CODE]) has been changed! Navigate to the proposal by clicking the following URL: [PROPOSAL_URL]



Scorecard Smart Reminder

Description: User gets notified when scorecard action item has not been completed.

Recipient(s): User(s) who were assigned scorecards within a batch.

Trigger: Administrator trigger smart reminder in Switchboard

Default Subject Text: Reminder: You have been assigned evaluations for completion

Default Email Text:


You have been assigned scorecards to evaluate. Navigate to your open action items list by clicking the following URL: [Open_Action_Items_URL]


Pipeline Email Notifications


Milestone Complete

Description: User gets notifiedwhen a milestone is completed

Recipient(s): User(s) who are on the project team.  

Trigger:  Milestone is marked complete in Pipeline.

Default Subject Text: Milestone [MILESTONE_NAME] completed for Project [PROJECT_NAME]

Default Email Text:


The milestone [MILESTONE_NAME] has been completed. Navigate to the project by clicking the following URL:



New Project Creation

Description: User gets notifiedwhen a new project is created.

Recipient(s): User(s) who created the project. 

Trigger:  Administrator creates a new project.

Default Subject Text: New Project Created Alert [project_name]

Default Email Text:

Dear [screen_name],
A new project [project_name] is created sucessfully. 
You can visit to project by clicking on the link below.



Project Document Added

Description: An alert that gets triggered to all project team members noting a new document has been added to project in Pipeline.

Recipient(s):  Project team members.

Trigger:  When a file is uploaded to Pipeline project.

Default Subject Text: File added to project "[PROJECT_NAME]"

Default Email Text:


[DOCUMENT_SCREEN_NAME] has added a file to the project document page in the project "[PROJECT_NAME]"

Navigate to the project document page by clicking the following URL: [PROJECT_DOCUMENTS_URL]



Project Feed Post

Description: An alert that gets triggered to project followers & project team members - noting of a new post.

Recipient(s): Project followers & project team members

Trigger:  When a new project post is made.

Default Subject Text:  New feed post in project "[PROJECT_NAME]"

Default Email Text:

[POST_SCREEN_NAME] has made a post in the project "[PROJECT_NAME]".
Navigate to the project by clicking the following URL: [PROJECT_HOME_URL]



Project Feed Post Comment

Description: An alert that gets triggered to project followers & project team members - noting of a new comment to a post.

Recipient(s): Project followers & project team members

Trigger:  When a new comment is made to a project post.

Default Subject Text: Comment on recent activity feed post in project "[PROJECT_NAME]"

Default Email Text:

[COMMENT_SCREEN_NAME] made a comment on an activity feed post in the project "[PROJECT_NAME]".

Navigate to the project by clicking the following URL: [PROJECT_HOME_URL]



Project Invitation

Description: User gets notified when they are invited to a Pipeline project

Recipient(s): User(s) who were invited to the project team.

Trigger:  Administrator adds them to a project team.

Default Subject Text: You have been invited to a project.

Default Email Text:


You have been invited to collaborate on a project. Please follow the link below to view the project.



Project Status Updated

Description: User gets notifiedwhen status of project changes.

Recipient(s): User(s) who are on the project team.  

Trigger:  Project status is updated by project team member.

Default Subject Text: Project [PROJECT_NAME] Status Updated

Default Email Text:


The status for project [PROJECT_NAME] has been updated to [PROJECT_STATUS]. Navigate to the project by clicking the following URL:



Project Updated

Description: User gets notifiedwhen someone updates a project.

Recipient(s): Users who are on the project team.  

Trigger:  Project team member perform action within the project.

Default Subject Text: Project Update Alert for [project_name]

Default Email Text:

Dear member,
           [PROJECT UPDATED] updatde the project [PROJECT NAME]



Request to join Project

Description: An alert is triggered to a project owner, when a user requests to join their project

Recipient(s): The project owner

Trigger:  When a user requests to join a private Pipeline project

Default Subject Text: Request to join project "[PROJECT_NAME]"

Default Email Text:


[NEW_MEMBER_NAME] ([NEW_MEMBER_EMAIL]) has requested to join the project "[PROJECT_NAME]". Since you are the project owner, you can add them to the project team by clicking the following URL: [PROJECT_URL]



To-Do Assignee

Description: User gets notified when a new TO DO is assigned.

Recipient(s): User(s) who is assigned a To Do.  

Trigger:  A new TO DO is assigned for project.

Default Subject Text: New To Do Assigned for Project [PROJECT_NAME]

Default Email Text:

You have been assigned a To Do for project [PROJECT_NAME]. Please navigate to the To Do by clicking the following URL: [TODO_URL]



To Do Comment

Description: User gets notifiedwhen a new TODO comment is posted.

Recipient(s): User(s) who are on the project team.  

Trigger:  Project team member adds a TODO comment.

Default Subject Text: To Do Comment Alert for "[TODO_TITLE]"

Default Email Text:

A new comment has been added to the To Do "[TODO_TITLE]". Navigate to the To Do by clicking the following URL: [TODO_URL]



To Do Marked Complete

Description: User gets notifiedwhen a new TO DO is marked complete.

Recipient(s): Project team members.  

Trigger:  A To Do is marked complete in the project.

Default Subject Text: To Do "[TODO_NAME]" completed for project "[PROJECT_NAME]"

Default Email Text:


The To Do "[TODO_NAME]" has been completed. Navigate to the To Do by clicking the following URL: [TODO_URL]

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