Since the last release on August 24th we’ve worked on multiple product enhancements. Check out the details in the list below.
The following changes will take effect on Wednesday, September 07th, 2011, 8:30PM EST.
As always, all listed updates have undergone a rigorous quality control process before we’ve sent them into production. In case you notice any disruptions, please let us know and we will take fast, appropriate action. Thank you!
On the Enterprise level, we made two fixes:
- On the member profile page, we straightened up the dates of when ideas were posted by this user. They now reflect the time period since the idea was submitted (e.g. 5 minutes ago, 1 week ago, etc.)
- For our blog subscription feature, we now accommodate user group subscription to make sure that only users who are permitted to participate in a WebStorm can subscribe to this WebStorm’s blogs. When an admin searches for users to subscribe to the blog, the system will only display permitted users.
We straightened up two issues in WebStorm, too:
- We fixed an issue that did not allow the idea submission form to be edited.
- Foreign character encoding when editing ideas were being stripped. This issue is now fixed.
Enhanced Ideas Filtering
- In the Enterprise ideas grid view, we added the ability to filter ideas by Status.
- You can now also filter ideas by multiple idea codes. To do so, enter the codes separated by commas into the filter.
Proposals Management
- The status of a proposal that is determined to “Not move forward” to the next evaluation round can now be selected as “On Hold”, “Incubated” or “Archived”. If a proposal in one of these statuses is sent to the next evaluation round, its status will be changed automatically to “Active”.
- We enhanced the status indicators for proposals, so that users can quickly see: Which proposals have been committed, who their owners are, and which evaluations have been completed.
- In the last release, we introduced the Proposal ID. This unique code identifying each proposal has now also been added to the reports in Switchboard, including the Scorecard summary report.
- Proposal status changes are now tracked and displayed in the Proposal History tab.
Evaluation and Scorecards
- We fixed an issue when adding/editing evaluators to a specific evaluation round. Now, the correct selection of evaluators for only the selected round are displayed and evaluators cannot be assigned to a scorecard in a round more than once
We hope you find the new enhancements useful. Contact us if you have any questions and stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for September 21st!
Regarding filter ideas by multiple idea codes, will this work also for the other fields? I want to filter by multiple statuses. Can I type them separated by commas?
I just tried it and it doesn't seem to work. Is there an existing plan to allow filtering by multiple everything in the future? Just curious.
Hi Sean,
The enhancements listed here will not take effect until tonight at 8:30pm EST. We just like to let you know in advance what's coming.
Yes, you will be able to sort ideas by multiple statuses and other multiple values. Please separate the values by comma.
Let us know if you have any further questions.