Brightidea Product Release Notes – June 27th 2012

In the past two weeks we have made several enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, June 27th, 2012, 8:30PM EST.

Please note that some of these features are beta options that must be turned on by your Brightidea representative. We have thoroughly tested these new enhancements and fixes to ensure high quality before allowing them into production. If you notice any disruptions, please let us know and we will take fast, appropriate action. Thank you!


Beta-Icon-64x64.png  Release Focus - Streamlined Idea Scorecarding (BETA)

We are providing a new workflow that streamlines the scorecarding of ideas. Idea scorecarding involves several new features, concepts and roles that make scorecarding fast and easy. Below is a summary of the new features. More information can be found in the Idea Scorecarding Guide PDF.


  • Batches are folders accessible from WebStorm Admin that help manage idea scorecarding; when enabled, they replace Switchboard collections
  • System Admins may see all batches within a system, including batches managed by other users
  • You can add (via drag and drop) ideas collected in WebStorm to batches, then assign scorecards to your evaluators
  • Once evaluators have completed their scorecards, you may compare ideas against one another and export results

Round Configuration

  • Rounds can be pre-configured before adding ideas, allowing you to set up a round of scorecarding without sending out action items
  • You can preselect the following settings for your round:
    • Evaluators
    • Scorecard template
    • Due date
    • Email message
    • Once you have configured your round and added ideas, you may send them through the "Assign Scorecard" option, or save them to assign in the future

Scorecard Smart Reminders

  • Smart Reminders allow you to remind evaluators to complete their scorecards
  • Selecting "Smart Remind" sends an email notification to all evaluators in the round who have not committed their scorecards
    • NOTE: Evaluators who have not committed their scorecards are automatically detected by the system

Scorecard Email Templates

  • Scorecard email templates allow Admins to customize the email messages sent when assigning scorecards from Batches
  • The Assign Scorecard email template (configured in Enterprise System Email Messages) is selected by default
  • The following attributes can be configured for the template:
    • Template name
    • Email subject
    • Email body
      • Dynamic fields may be added to the email subject and body
    • The email template may be selected within round configuration
  • NOTE: Scorecard Email templates are available for all admins across the affiliate

Batch Admin Role

  • Batch Administrator is a new role (designated by System Admins) that provides enhanced access to WebStorm Admin and Switchboard
    • NOTE: Batch Admins must be added as WebStorm Admins for specific WebStorms in order to see ideas
  • Batch Admins do not have access to WebStorm Admin setup, and have limited access to Switchboard > Setup, with the ability to create their own scorecard and email templates
  • Batch Admins may create new batches, where they may add ideas and assign scorecards
  • They may also invite other users as Batch Admins for their Batches, in order to help manage idea scorecarding

Beta-Icon-64x64.png  Import/Export Labels (BETA)

  • Available at both Enterprise and WebStorm levels
  • Allows easy export of custom labels from one system and import to another
  • Export all labels in the system in Excel format with foreign character support (UTF-8)
  • Exports contain the following information:
    • label_id: defines the specific code for a label
    • top_id: defines the affiliate for a label
      • NOTE: If the top_id value is all 1s (11111-111...), this means that this is the default value; any value other than that means that it is a label specific to your affiliate or campaign
    • key: defines the label type (e.g. LBL_ENT_WIDGET_ALL_STATS)
    • value: defines the name of the label (e.g. All Stats (Cross-WebStorm)); if your label has been edited, this will show the current label
    • new_value: this column is where you may input new labels; once the Excel file is imported, labels for the new_value column will replace original labels
  • See a full run-through here.

Beta-Icon-64x64.png Scorecard Visualization Diagrams (BETA)

  • Provides visual spiderweb diagrams of scorecard summaries
  • Each axis represents a question in the scorecard, and the total number of points scored for the question
  • A spiderweb diagram will have five axes (questions) max; more questions generate additional diagrams, as needed
  • Questions on each axis are truncated at 11-characters; the full question text is revealed through a hoverover tooltip
  • Hoverover tooltips over data points provides the total number of points received out of the possible number of points (e.g. 15 of 20)
  • See full run through here

WebStorm Admin Ideas Grid Enhancements

  • Several enhancements for WebStorm Admin ideas grid icon for multiple related scorecards:
    • If an idea is related to multiple scorecards, the icon will reveal a popup listing a summary of related scorecards with the following information:
    • Average score across all scorecards applied to the idea
    • Scorecard template
    • Batch and round the idea is currently in
    • Number of assigned and completed scorecards
      • Hovering over this section will reveal a tooltip listing the evaluators who have completed their scorecards, as well as which are pending completion
    • Due date
    • Average score for the specific scorecard
  • Enhancements for WebStorm Admin ideas grid icon for multiple related batches:
    • If an idea is related to multiple batches, the icon will reveal a popup listing related batches

Additional Enhancements

The following additional enhancements have been made throughout the Brightidea suite. For your convenience, they have been categorized by product.


  • Idea status change and comment to wall post notification emails now respect respective contact emails in setup
  • User abuse reports are now sending - as well as respecting the contact email to send it from
  • Leaderboard/Top Contributors widget now respects discretionary points added/removed in Enterprise
  • Improved performance of "Enterprise All Ideas" widget


  • Improved performance of dashboard charts loading times
  • Profile pictures now appear correctly in idea view comments section
  • Increased max length of blog title to 100 characters (to reflect in email notifications as well)
  • Tag auto-suggest feature (BETA) now works during idea editing
  • HTML showing during duplicate checking when submitting an idea has now been fixed
  • Upload attachment section labels now editable - (please refer to your Brightidea representative if you need assistance with this)


  • Average score column now displays correct average score and can be sorted
  • Idea hoverover tooltip now displays without showing HTML
  • "Auto suggest" for Admin tags
    • "Auto suggest" added to admin tag feature
    • Suggests existing tags based on what user is typing to prevent duplication and encourage tag use


  • Updated popups to match new graphic styling
  • Scorecard summary page now appears correctly with Pipeline disabled
  • Action Items pages now show accurate action item count in left navigation
  • Proposal, scorecard and scorecard summary discussion section tabs now appear with counters
  • Profile pictures now appear correctly in Proposal Related Idea Comments section
  • Proposal Unlocking
    • When accessing a proposal locked from editing, a message will appear at the top of the page, identifying the editing user and providing an option to unlock the proposal:
    • Clicking "Unlock" will initiate a warning popup
    • Clicking "Yes" in the popup will unlock the proposal and erase any unsaved edits from the original editing user
  • Proposal Status Email Notification
    • Proposal status changes will send an email notification to the proposal owner
    • Email subject: Proposal status change: [PROPOSAL_NAME] (#[PROPOSAL_CODE])
    • Email body:


The status of [PROPOSAL_NAME] (#[PROPOSAL_CODE]) has been changed! Navigate to the proposal by clicking the following URL: [PROPOSAL_URL]

    • The email template is available in: Enterprise Setup > Site > System Email Messages > Switchboard > Proposal Status Change


  • Increased maximum file size for attachments to 7MB

If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know. And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for Wednesday, July 11th, 2012.

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