In the past two weeks we have made several enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012, 8:30PM EST.
Please note that some of these features are beta options that must be turned on by your Brightidea representative. We have thoroughly tested these new enhancements and fixes to ensure high quality before allowing them into production. If you notice any disruptions, please let us know and we will take fast, appropriate action. Thank you!
If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.
Due to an update in our site security, all users will be logged out after the software deploy. All users will be required to log in again, including those using the "stay logged-in" option enabled.
Release Focus
Switchboard: Scorecard Diagram Updates (BETA)
We have made several enhancements to the scorecard diagram feature (BETA). This will allow for users to more easily view and compare scorecards and diagrams. More information about scorecard summary diagrams can be read here.
Scorecard Question Short Names (BETA)
- Adds a new “Question name” field in Switchboard scorecard editor
- Allows for 13-character name to be added to each scorecard question
- Question name appears only in the scorecard summary diagrams, not in the scorecard or scorecard summary
Scorecard Compare (BETA)
- Adds new option to the round dropdown menu:
- Round Menu > Scorecard > Compare Scorecards
- To view scorecard comparison:
- Select two or more scorecarded ideas/proposals within a batch
- Select “Compare Scorecards” option to Round dropdown menu
- Includes scorecard summary diagrams (when enabled)
- Higher scoring proposal highlighted with blue glow effect
- Scroll down both scorecards simultaneously
- Different scorecards may be accessed from the dropdown menu
- The list of scorecards is limited to the ideas/proposals selected
- If no ideas/proposals are selected, the dropdown will include scorecards all in the round
Switchboard: Multiple Related Idea Comments (BETA)
When a proposal is related to multiple ideas, users are now able to see comments from each individual idea within the proposal. If a proposal is related to multiple ideas:
- A dropdown menu with a list of all ideas related to the proposal appears in the proposal “Related Idea Comments” tab
Switchboard: Action Items Export
Action items from both My Action Items and Sent Action Items lists may be exported.
- To export, click the green Excel icon in the top right hand corner above the action items grid
This export contains the following columns:
- Title
- Code
- Sent Date
- Assigned By
- Due
- Assigned to
- Status
- Date Completed
- Action
Additional Enhancements
The following additional enhancements have been made throughout the Brightidea platform. For your convenience, they have been categorized by product.
- Daily/Weekly email digest now respects user settings for times to receive digest
- Date formatting settings are now reflected in search results
- Fixed an issue with blog posting in IE
- Users who vote from the Enterprise idea list now receive reputation points
- Only one field may now be edited at a time in the idea submission form editor
- Fixed an issue with renaming the login widget title
- Fixed an issue with tag subscription hoverovers (BETA) causing session timeouts for not-logged-in users
- Updated a number of WebStorm Admin popups to the new UI standard
- Merging ideas (BETA) no longer causes server errors
- The collection column now populates correctly when Batches are disabled
- Default proposal title column width has been expanded
- Proposal history “assigned by” message now correctly lists who assigned the proposal and to whom
- Foreign and special characters now appear correctly in scorecard exports, scorecard summary titles, and evaluator search typeahead results
- Fixed issue with users appearing multiple times in the proposal team list for a proposal
- Fixed issue with HTML appearing when editing proposal fields
- Related Idea Information section now appears correctly when the browser screen is resized Edited menu items in Switchboard context menu now appear correctly
- Action Items list fixes and updates:
- Action items list “Sent Date” and “Due Date” now appear correctly when Enterprise date formatting is customized
- “Completed Date” for sent action items may now be sorted
- When viewing “Sent Action “ items section, clicking column header no longer returns the user to All Sent Action Items list
- Scorecard Batches (BETA) updates and fixes
- Batches may no longer have duplicate names
- Fixed an issue with dragging proposals to newly created Batches (without a page refresh)
- Batches now appear correctly in IE
- Customizing Enterprise Assign Scorecard or Assign Proposal templates no longer interfere with assigning scorecards or proposals from a batch
- Editing and selecting proposal and scorecard email templates for proposal/scorecard configuration now works correctly when using IE
- Adding idea to batch via round menu “Add Idea to Batch” option now works correctly
- BETA: Attachments may now be added to project To Do comments
If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know. And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for Wednesday, September 5th, 2012.