In the past two weeks we have made several enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, November 14th, 2012, 8:30PM EST.
Please note that some of these features are beta options that must be turned on by your Brightidea representative. We have thoroughly tested these new enhancements and fixes to ensure high quality before allowing them into production. If you notice any disruptions, please let us know and we will take fast, appropriate action. Thank you!
If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.
Release Focus
Project Export and Update (BETA)
To better manage large numbers of users applied to predefined Project Teams, this feature allows Project Teams to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. This can then be imported back in order to update teams.
- Enabling this feature adds a new section to Pipeline setup:
- Navigate to: Pipeline Setup --> Users --> Project Team --> Manage Project Teams

Existing Project Teams may be exported to Excel spreadsheets
- Spreadsheets may be updated to add or remove members from teams, or create new teams
- NOTE: Updating Project Teams will overwrite any existing Teams
- For more information about the Export and Update Project Team feature can be found here.
Updated Link and Merge UI (BETA)
A new Beta option has been added to update the UI for ideas that have been linked and merged. This provides clearer information about linked or child ideas. These enhancements include:
- Clearer depiction of relevant idea information, including idea submitter, date submitted, number of votes and comments
- Child idea UI (when merged with a Master idea) has been unchanged

Additional Enhancements
The following additional fixes and enhancements have been made throughout the Brightidea platform. For your convenience, they have been categorized by product:
- Registering to an affiliate through admin invite now gives reputation points
- Apostrophes no longer cause issues in private messages
- Registration invites may now be viewed when if their subject lines contain special characters
- WebStorm titles may now contain quotation marks
- The Action Items link is no longer missing from the member landing page when Pipeline is disabled
- WebStorm registration invitations are now SSO compatible
- Fixed an issue in which commas in attachment files would cause errors in Chrome
- Fixed an issue in which Office Files (Word, Excel, etc.) could not be downloaded properly through IE7
- Label Export/Import (BETA) now works in IE8
- Added a number of new labels throughout the application
- Fixed an issue in which editing idea submission form question would not allow reselection of question type
- Fixed minor UI issues for IE7
- Ideas grid Points column now reflects WebStorm vote multiplier settings
- Ampersand (&) in idea description no longer appears as HTML code in ideas grid tooltip hoverovers
- Duplicate scores no longer appear in ideas grid multiple scorecard/multiple batch popups
- Filter, sort and search in the proposals grid now applies to the entire proposals grid, not just the current page viewed
- "Batch" and "Round" columns have been added to the Sent Action Items grid
- Fixed minor UI issues for IE7
- Long text now wraps in Project Wall comments
- Fixed an issue in which the comment editor could not be reselected after posting a Project Wall comment
- Foreign characters are now supported in Milestone titles and descriptions
- Within a project, the related proposals information has been relocated to the Project "Info" section
- The All Projects / My Projects pages now display correctly in IE7
If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know. And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for November 28th, 2012.