Brightidea Product Release Notes - January 23rd 2013

In the past three weeks we have made several enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013, at 8:30PM EST.

Please note that some of these features are beta options that must be turned on by your Brightidea representative. We have thoroughly tested these new enhancements and fixes to ensure high quality before allowing them into production. If you notice any disruptions, please let us know and we will take fast, appropriate action. Thank you!

If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.

Fixes and Enhancements

The following additional fixes and enhancements have been made throughout the Brightidea platform. For your convenience, they have been categorized by product:

  • API - Fixed an issue with getting results on 'bi.affiliate.campaign.getIdeaDetailList'
    • Find out more about Brightidea's API here.
  • Brightidea's Mobile App has been updated - please check us out on iTunes!

enterprise logo.png

  • Fixed an issue with Private Messages on the Landing Page
  • Fixed an issue with HTML showing on wall posts.
  • Masked URL's now work with "/todo" (ex:")
  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer browsers and notifications not showing successfully
  • Updated Enterprise 'Mini Idea List' widget to display better across all browsers
  • Fixed an issue with new accounts being created not respecting strong password rules
  • Enterprise User Activity Reports now correctly reflects user points


  • Deleted ideas now no longer appear in the post idea duplicate checker
  • Fixed an issue with chip voting and reflecting accurate 'promotes' in User Activity report
  • Fixed an issue with spacing in email templates sent out
  • Fixed an issue with apostrophes and foreign characters in team members' names in Team IDea Submission
  • Fixed an issue with new accounts being created not respecting strong password rules
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect URLs for new user registration email notifications
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect URLs when using the 'Email this Page' feature


  • Linked and Merged Idea email notifications respect Enterprise level contact email
  • When saving a new bookmark for the ideas grid, users now return to their previous filter and sorting views
  • WebStorm-level assign email templates now appear correctly when assigning proposal and scorecard action items from WebStorm Admin
  • Fixed an issue with bookmarks not being able to be shared with fellow WebStorm Administrators
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to select users in 'Rules Engine' user search dropdown
  • Fixed issues with numerical filtering (<, >, =) for numerical columns in the ideas grid
  • Vote multiplier settings now appear correctly across idea view, idea lists and WebStorm Admin ideas grid.


  • Fixed an issue with tool-tip popups not being accurate when editing questions in scorecard templates
  • Fixed issue with proposal comment text box being cut off
  • Fixed issue with action items having an empty completed date
  • Fixed an issue with scrolling to assign a scorecard
  • Switchboard reports not accommodate cyrillic characters
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect counts for action items grids across Switchboard
  • Fixed an issue where action items were not being updated in Switchboard grid - once evaluators were added to the batch
  • When the root URL ( is used for a WebStorm, clicking on action items under "Sent Action Items" or "My Action Items" in Switchboard redirected the user back to the WebStorm home page - this has been fixed

If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know.  And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for February 6th, 2013!

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