In the past several weeks we have made a number of enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, March 20th, 2013, 8:30PM EST.
Please note that some of these features are beta options that must be turned on by your Brightidea representative. We have thoroughly tested these new enhancements and fixes to ensure high quality before allowing them into production. If you notice any disruptions, please let us know and we will take fast, appropriate action. Thank you!
If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.
Release Focus
Proposals in Enterprise Search Results
To improve the comprehensiveness of search throughout the application, Proposals are now included in Enterprise search results. Please see this article for more information.

Release Enhancements
The following additional fixes and enhancements have been made throughout the Brightidea platform. For your convenience, they have been categorized by product:
- Fixed an issue in which the getIdeaDetailList API would return repeating results for the same idea
- Fixed an issue in which the getCompletedSubmissionForm API would not return submission form data from some ideas, and would not include updates to Admin fields (BETA)
- Discretionary points can be configured to reflect in the 'Enterprise My Stats' widget
- Please contact Brightidea Support if you wish to learn more.
- Fixed an issue in which the wrong widgets would appear in the Enterprise login page
- The Leaderboard widget now displays foreign characters correctly
- Foreign characters can now display and link correctly in the dynamic navigation menu
- "Work History" and "Department" user profile fields are now user-editable
- Email notifications for wall post replies now correctly link to the correct user's wall
- WebStorm links in the Enterprise activity feed widget now correctly link to the WebStorm home page
- New CSS classes added to Member Landing page to allow further CSS customization of icons / elements
- A number of fixes and enhancements have been made to Community pages
- New WebStorms created by Community Administrators are now automatically added to the admin's community, and can be accessed by that admin (once groups are assigned)
- Dynamic links may now be added to Community page dynamic navigation sub-menus
- The "more" link in the Mini Contributors widget now directs the user to a Community-level contributors page
- Updates Results, WS Directory and Campaign List widgets now work correctly on Community pages
- Updates widget now supports short YouTube URLs
- The "Back" link when viewing a private message now directs the user back to the private messages list
- Options moved out of Beta for access to all Enterprise administrators:
- Fixed several issues with WebStorm widgets:
- Fixed the "Edit" link in the Dashboard Activity Metrics widget
- Blog posts excluded from Enterprise are now removed from Enterprise level widgets
- Mini Top Contributors widget now reflect foreign characters correctly
- The idea list tab links now work correctly for WebStorms with vanity names over 35 characters
- Apostrophes (') now display correctly for Admin Comments
- Fixed an issue in which idea comments would not show if Idea Editing option was set to '30 minutes after submission'
- Line breaks in answers for additional submission questions now display correctly in the idea preview from the ideas list
- Keyword lists over 500 characters in the 'Meta Keywords' section in WebStorm Setup no longer cause an error upon saving
- Improved performance for WebStorm-level search results with ideas with high number of votes and comments
- Loading times have been improved for ideas with high number of votes and comments
- Fixed issue in email dynamic URLs when WebStorm Alias is disabled
- Fixed issue with incorrect line spacing in the Idea Submission Confirmation email
- Idea views and Votes of Support are now accurate in WebStorm-level User Activity report
- WebStorm-level Ideas report correctly shows the number of chips allocated to ideas
- Options moved out of Beta for access to all WebStorm / Enterprise administrators:
- Fixed several issues with the Rules Engine
- Rules based on time from idea submission now are triggered correctly
- Fixed line spacing in Rules Engine email notifications
- The 'IDEA_URL' dynamic field now work correctly for all Rules Engine email notifications
- Fixed an issue with not being able to export ideas from WebStorm Admin ideas grid
- Fixed an issue in which apostrophes in usernames would cause the WebStorm Admin ideas grid to not load
- Dynamic field for WebStorm in Change WebStorms email notification now works correctly
- Changing WebStorms for a large number of ideas no longer causes a server error
- Fixed several issues with exporting batches:
- Performance has been improved when running exports
- Exports correctly display scorecard results for the batch
- Exports now support Cyrillic characters
- Various UI improvements have been proposals and scorecards to better display and wrap content for all browsers
- Fixed an issue with proposal lock icon appearing cut off within proposal
- Fixed an issue in which user could not see all questions and answers in a scorecard
- Related idea comments now show in proposal for all users with permission to access that proposal
- Several enhancements were made to the My Action Items page
- Action Items grid exports can no longer be accessed by end users
- Scorecard action item links in the 'Todo' page ( now correctly direct the user to action items when columns are sorted
- Uploading and downloading proposal attachments now works correctly in IE browsers
- The Proposal History page now accurately reflects associated users, scorecards and batches
- Fixed an issue in which certain batches would not appear in the left batches list
- Evaluation summaries selected from a batch now appear correctly in Chrome and Firefox browsers
- Batch names now correctly display backslash (\) character
- Loading times for ideas and proposals within a batch have been improved
- Fixed an issue in which the 'Commit Proposal' message at the top of the screen would appear when no action items were assigned
- Fixed an issue in which Action Item Alerts would not show on the WebStorm-level when action items were assigned
If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know. And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for April 3rd, 2013!
Holy release Batman! Talk about a lot of changes...
Thank you for making my communities better :)