Brightidea Product Release Notes - October 30th 2013

In the past several weeks we have made a number of enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, October 30th 2013, 8:30PM EST.  If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated.

To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.


 View as Ordinary User Feature

  • With the 'Enable Ordinary User View' BETA option enabled, administrators can view their Enterprise and WebStorm pages from the perspective of an ordinary user.  This feature gives administrators the ability to preview how their audience will see all the pages that they've set up.
  • Administrators can use the Ordinary User view by clicking on the View as Ordinary User link (beneath the Widget Setup link).
  • When the Ordinary User view is enabled, all the pages will display as they do for non-admin users of the WebStorm.  A black bar will appear near the top of the screen to show that the current view is the Ordinary User view. 
  • Disabling the Ordinary User view is as simple as clicking on the "Disable this view" link in the black bar, or logging out and logging back in again.
  • See more about this feature here.


Upgrades to Page Access Messages

  • Added page designs and more specific messages for when users have no access to a WebStorm, when a WebStorm has not launched yet and when an undefined page is accessed (404). 



enterprise logo.png

  • Improved the performance of the Enterprise updates feed.
  • Fixed formatting issues with line breaks in notifications from comments.
  • Corrected issue which caused corrupted reports to generate when exporting data from the affiliate (0 bytes).
  • Fixed issue with idea title not correctly appearing for certain transactions in the updates feed.
  • Notifications and action item alerts have been fixed to work at the community level.
  • Simplified options and eliminated unnecessary options.


  • Improved accuracy of the data in the Trend Tracking export report.
  • User tagging no longer causes comments to show HTML code in IE8.
  • Phase widget title changes are now saved correctly after widget setup mode is turned off.
  • Phase widget now correctly appears for users who are not logged in and the WebStorm is set to public.
  • Added the capability to have Post Idea on the dynamic navigation
  • Improved image handling for pictures on Idea Boards.
  • Improved search accuracy when searches include apostrophes, new users, deleted ideas, and deleted blogs.
  • WebStorm Scheduler tab performance has been improved, WebStorm Scheduler shows properly when new systems get started.
  • Upgraded design for login pages, Youtube, embedding, hidden ideas.
  • Increased capacity for the number of keywords for ideas.
  • Added capability for WebStorm moderators to change campaign idea statuses.


  • Improved the handling of new Enterprise system statuses in the WSA Idea Grid.
  • Fixed issue that caused Rules Engine not to execute configured rules.


  • Improved the Scorecard Compare alignment for Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue where WebStorm Admins were able to see sent action items.


If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know.  And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for November 13th, 2013!
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    Sean Tori - Program Admin

    Yay - I've been looking for a "you don't have access" message for a while!!! Login failed is always very confusing to people!