These changes took effect on Wednesday, February 25th, 2015, 5:00 PM PST. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.
Brightidea's Fall 2014 Release incorporated a next generation architecture with significant new capabilities. This release provided the foundation for future new capabilities. For more information on Brightidea's Fall 2014 release and the next generation architecture, please visit the Fall 2014 pages or the detailed Knowledge Base articles.
For those customers who are on the Fall 2014 release or newer, below are the updates and improvements in today’s release:
- Exporting from the Pipeline List View will now respect any columns added to the Idea List
- Sorting by Average Score in the Single Scale Manage Page now works correctly
- Fixed an issue in which some Pipeline Rules would not appear correctly in the Pipeline Rules Engine List
- Rich text editor for Rules Engine now works correctly when editing an existing Rule
- Fixed an issue in which some ideas would not appear in the Pipeline List View
- Fixed an issue in which loading Step Manage pages would cause intermittent timeouts
- Fixed an issue in which the Decision Dashboard would not display correct data
- Fixed an issue in which some imported ideas would not appear in the Pipeline List View
We have also made the following updates to Previous Architecture:
- Fixed an issue in which disabling email notifications from user profile would not save correctly
- We have added the following functionality to Community setup:
- Create user
- Add/remove users from groups
- Create a new group
- Create a new WebStorm
- Add/remove Admins
- Fixed an issue in which blog listings in search results would direct to incorrect URLs
- For the community-level Visual WebStorm list widget, we no longer display a link to configure Group Access
- Replies are now no longer supported for Admin Comments
- For the Idea Status Change History report, the email of the user who made the status change now appears as a column in the report
- Fixed an issue in which adding a link to Switchboard in Dynamic Navigation setup would direct to incorrect URLs
If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know. And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for March 11th, 2015. Happy Innovating!