In the past few weeks we have made a number of enhancements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect on Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014, 8:30PM EST. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated.
To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Brightidea Support Portal.
- When an admin registers a user that already exists in a different affiliate, we will now notify the admin that the user exists and that a new password is not necessary. Admins can still choose to send an email notification to the user that they have been invited to the new affiliate
- Activity update posts from the Enterprise Profile page will now appear in the Enterprise Activity Feed
- Emoticons now appear correctly in the Enterprise Profile page status section
- Fixed an issue in which the Enterprise Profile Ideas tab “Show More” link would not display more ideas
- Photo columns now appear correctly in Exports with the ‘Include user profile data’ option enabled
- For the WebStorm search bar, inputting an idea code for an existing idea and then pressing ENTER will direct you straight to the idea view
- NOTE: This respects user permissions; unpermitted users will be directed to the standard search results page
- For Idea Category Images (BETA), there is now a warning when uploading invalid image sizes or file types

- When submitting an idea, the duplicate checker no longer displays deleted ideas
- For WebStorms that have been scheduled but have not yet launched, the Post Idea button no longer appears in the Visual WebStorms list widget. Read more about the WebStorm Scheduler, here!
- Email notifications for new blog posts are now sent correctly to all subscribed users
- Idea comment edits will now send email and in-product notifications to users who submitted, are subscribed to, commented on, or voted for the idea
- Linking ideas will now send Notifications to the idea submitters; if the ideas were submitted by the same user, that user will only receive one notification
- Apostrophes in Idea Category names now appear correctly
- Imported ideas now appear correctly in the idea submitters’ profile page if using a submission date in the past or future.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect user count previews for the User Import feature
- Fixed an issue in which comment snippets would not appear correctly in Idea Comment notification emails
- Fixed an issue in which the ‘@’ symbol, when not tagging a user, would get stripped from a comment or activity feed post (for example, @ 4 p.m.)
- Fixed an issue in IE9 in which comment image attachment previews would not display correctly
- Fixed an issue in which idea submission form questions would not appear when previewing an idea during submission
- Fixed an issue in which the Category Export ‘Subscribers’ column was inaccurate
- Fixed an issue in which an empty tag could be added to an idea
- Fixed an issue in which Next/Previous buttons would sometimes not appear when viewing on ideas when navigating from certain links
- Copy Idea (BETA) now supports copying multiple ideas at once. Read more about Copy Idea, here!
- Fixed an issue in which removing tags from WebStorm Admin would not be reflected in the idea
- Fixed an issue in which sorting by Idea Code required a capital ‘D’
- Fixed an issue in which information tooltips for scorecards were duplicated between different scorecard questions
- Fixed an issue in which assigning large numbers of scorecards would create duplicate action items
- Fixed an issue in which canceled action items would direct to an error page; instead, they direct to the respective proposal page.
If you have any questions about these updates, please let us know. And stay tuned for more – our next release is scheduled for August 6th, 2014!
Wow - big release!
Thanks for allowing to copy multiple ideas at once - well done team ;-)