Anyone with an account within Brightidea can view and subscribe to blogs. Subscribed users will receive an email when a new blog post has been submitted in that Initiative. However, subscribers will not receive notifications when comments are made to those blog posts.
Manual User Self-Subscription
Users can manually subscribe to a blog by selecting Subscribe at the top right of the blog entry. Users can also unsubscribe by selecting the same button.
Manually Subscribing a User to the Blog
Admins can navigate to Site Setup > Site > Blog and locate the option for Manage Blog Subscriptions. Within that section, input the user's email or screen name. Select the user and click Add Member to subscribe to the blog.
Viewing Who is Subscribed
Subscribers are managed under Site Setup >Site > Blog via the Get Current Subscribers button. When the list generates, Admins can view who is subscribed to the Initiative blog and can remove subscribers by selecting the red X to the right of the user's name.
Important Things to Note:
- At this time, the subscription settings available are different for Enterprise and Initiative blogs.
- To learn more about the differences between Enterprise and Initiative blogs, check out this support article.
- At this time, the system does not support the import or export of blog subscriber data.
- The New Blog Post email template is used to notify subscribers of new blog posts. This template can be managed under Site Setup > Site > System Email Messages
Can we have this on a Enterprise Blog?
Unfortunately no, since Enterprise blog is made up of all descending WebStorm blogs....
Enterprise blog is made up of descending WS blogs if you have them.
In some cases we do not use it. Moreover, you can create custom subjects/themes in the Enterprise blog.
I just asked if this was available for Enterprise Blog, because in some cases the users register directly using the Enterprise Page.
I see - yes unfortunately your use case may need some analysis by your Brightidea representative, they can most likely point you in the right direction if need be to discuss any potential enhancement.
what if we do not have blog enabled at start of campaign, users login in - register
(and the option in blog, Subscribe User to Blog on Registration is checked from start),
when we later turn on the blog, during the campaign, would previously users be subscribed to new blog posting, or only the one registering from that point on?
If the option is disabled initially and then enabled at a later point, those users who registered while it was disabled will not be subscribed after option is enabled.