Brightidea has several Initiative reports available for Admins to access all data. Administrators can generate Initiative data based on Submissions, Users, and Login History.
To get there, navigate to your Initiative and select Site Setup > Exports. Once there, Admins can view all reports available for reference:
Submissions Report
Download all Submissions in your Initiative and related statistics such as Submission Form information, Vote Counts and scores to an Excel spreadsheet. Additional information can be applied including -
- User Profile Data
- Outcome Recorder Profile Data
- Additional Submission Form Questions & Answers
- Comments
- Hidden Submission Form Questions
Admins can also slice the data by using a date range (based on submission date).
Submission Status Change History Report
This report shows the details of when Submissions had their Status changed. This is useful when you would like to keep track Submission Status Change History such as the date it was entered, the date it was changed and the previous status.
- This report also respects the date range filtering - if any dates are set - it will filter based on submission date.
Important Notes:
- Brightidea calculates days based on the full number of days in the year, not using the "Days360" function.
- The export date range filter will apply to idea submission date AND the status change dates.
- For example, if you export status change history for year 2019, it will only includes submissions submitted in 2019 AND only status changes that occurred for those submissions in 2019.
- With the new Enterprise beta option "" enabled, the report will also export the status change reason. More information about Status Change Reason functionality here.
Submission Step Change History Report
This report provides data on Submissions and their Step History. For example, this report shows the number of Days a Submission was in a Step, the Date it entered a Step, the Date it left a Step, and the Step it moved into.
Submissions with Comment Details Report
This report shows the details of Comments that have been made on submissions.
To include user profile information, check the checkbox “Include user profile data” when downloading this report. The administrator can also look at the data within a date range.
Submissions with Outcomes Details Report
This report shows the details of outcomes that have been recorded for Submissions. The Outcome Details Export will also display Business Impact data, including Benefits and Costs by year.
To include user profile information, check the checkbox “Include outcome recorder profile data” when downloading this report.
Submission Days in Status Report
This report provides data on Submissions and the number of Days it lived in a certain Status. Each Submission will be listed, and the columns will represent each Status and the number of Days the Submission lived in that Status.
Submissions - Status Summary Report
This report provides insight on the average number of days Submissions spend within each Status, while also providing the Submissions that are currently in that Status.
Votes Report
This report shows which Submissions have been voted on by which Users. Only Submissions that have been voted on will be included; if a User has voted on multiple submissions, each vote is on its own row.
This report also accommodates chip voting. This report does not include votes on comments, only submissions.
The administrator can choose to include user profile data as well.
Pipeline Summary Report
This report includes all submissions in the Pipeline, with an overview of how each submission performed for each Step.
The export includes basic submission details, such as category, views, comments, votes, status, and current Stage and Step.
This export also includes Step details for each submission. Each Step in the Pipeline will appear as a set of columns. These columns are dynamic to the Step tool-type, and includes information such as:
- Action item status
- For example, for Review Steps, is the action item Complete or Open
- Overall score
- Individual evaluator scores
- For example, for Single Scale Steps, the columns will display both Overall score (the average of completed Single Scale action items0
- Number of days each submission was in the Step
Important notes:
- If a submission never entered a particular Step, data for that Step display as N/A
- If an action item for a submission was assigned but not completed, the individual score will display as 0
Application History
Application History is only available for our Gig solution. This export shows the history of user's and their application status on each job listed.
Users Activity Report
This report shows all Initiative Users, the transactions that have occurred and any points associated with the transactions. This is useful to quickly see details behind User Activity, and to determine the more active participants.
To include user profile information, check the checkbox “Include user profile data” when downloading this report.
Important notes:
- This report only reflects users who have logged into the Initiative at least once. Users that are "Not Registered" will not be reported.
- Team Submissions will be scored for the user who created the Submission, but points will be reflected to all Users associated to the Team.
- All comments will be scored onto the report, but Users that comment on their own Submissions will not reflect any points.
Login History Report
This report shows all logins that have occurred into the Initiative, including Screen Name and email address of user logging in, as well as login time and date.
To include user profile information, check the Checkbox “Include user profile data” when downloading this report.
Search History Report
This report pulls the data of all text searches via the search fields that users have conducted, including Screen Name, email address of user who performed search, date and time of search, and the text that was searched.
To include user profile information, check the checkbox “Include user profile data” when downloading this report.
Categories Report
This report will include data such as all Categories, the number of Submissions in each Category, and the number of Subscribers.
Trend Tracking Report
The trend tracking report allows Admins to export data trends from the Initiative based on a selected date range and period type selected.
The trend tracking report is broken down into two sets, "Total" data and "New" data.
"New" data depends on whether you selected Day/Week/Month as the period. For example, if you chose Day, the columns in the sheet become Days. "New" Submissions then becomes the # of ideas submitted that day. And if you chose Month, the columns in the sheet become Month. "New" submissions then becomes the # of submissions that month.
Trend Tracking - Adoption Report
The trend tracking report is broken down into simple data noting each User and the number of Users they invited, the number of Submissions they viewed, and voted on.
Definitions for the metrics would be helpful, including how they are calculated.