Below is a list of all possible dynamic fields within Brightidea's system email messages:
Note: Not all fields are available in all System Email Message Templates. The specific fields are dependent on the type of email communication (communications/crowd emails, action item emails, and rule engine emails).
- Abuse Reason – Brief explanation of abuse occurred by user.
- Action Item – Title of the action item.
- Action Items URL – Hyperlink to users’ action items page.
- Action Item Due Date – Due date of the action item.
- Administrator First Name – First name of the system administrator.
- Administrator Last Name ‐ Last name of the system administrator.
- Administrator Screen Name – Screen name of the system administrator.
- Affiliate ID – Brightidea’s record of your system on our server.
- Affiliate Name – Name of your system in our database.
- Blog Author – Author of associated blog.
- Blog Content – Body of associated blog.
- Blog Content Snippet – Brief preview of the blog content.
- Blog Title – Title of associated blog.
- Blog URL – Hyperlink to associated blog.
- Campaign ID – ID of the associated campaign.
- Campaign Name – Name of the associated campaign.
- Campaign Sponsor First Name – First name of the campaign sponsor.
- Campaign Sponsor Last Name – Last name of the campaign sponsor.
- Campaign Sponsor Screen Name – Screen name of the campaign sponsor.
- Campaign URL – Link to the campaign.
- Category – Category of the idea.
- Comment – Inserted comment.
- Comment Snippet – Brief preview of the comment.
- Comment URL - Hyperlink to a comment.
- Commenter Screen Name - screen name of the user that submitted a comment.
- Contact Email – Email address in which system is sending email’s from.
- Email – Email address of the user.
- Enterprise URL - Hyperlink to Enterprise page.
- Evaluation URL - Hyperlink to Evaluation
- Evaluator Name - Name of assigned evaluator user
- First Name – First name of the user.
- From First Name – First name of the email’s sender.
- From Last Name – Last name of the email’s sender.
- From Screen Name – Screen name of the sender of the email.
- Idea Code – The tracking number of the idea.
- Idea Count ‐ Total sum of ideas.
- Idea Description – The description of the idea that the email is concerning.
- Idea Description Snippet – Brief preview of the idea’s description.
- Idea Status Reason – The recorded reason that the idea changed status.
- Idea Submitter’s Screen Name – Screen name of the idea submitter.
- Idea Title – The title of the idea.
- Idea URL – Hyperlink to the idea.
- Last Name – Last name of the user
- Message – Body of the associated email message.
- Message Subject – Subject of the associated email message.
- Message URL – Hyperlink to associated message.
- New Status - New status of an idea in status change
- Old Status - Old status of an idea in status change
- Password URL ‐ Hyperlink to reset the users’ password.
- Profile Page Link - Hyperlink to profile page.
- Project URL - Hyperlink to project page.
- Proposal Name - Name of assigned proposal user
- Proposal URL - Hyperlink to proposal
- Registration URL – Hyperlink to register for Initiative or Pipeline.
- Reporter Screen Name – The screen name of the reporter.
- Screen Name – The screen name of the user.
- Sender’s Screen Name – The screen name associated with the sender.
- Status New - Displays new status of an idea.
- Status Old - Displays old status of an idea.
- Submitter’s Email – The submitters e‐email address.
- Submitter’s First Name – Last name of the submitter.
- Submitter’s Last Name – First name of the submitter.
- Submitter’s Screen Name – The screen name of the submitter.
- To First Name – First name of the recipient of the email.
- To Last Name – Last name of the recipient of the email.
- To Screen Name – Screen name of the recipient of the email.
- Update Poster Screen Name - Screen name of the updater for the Updates widget.
- URL – The hyperlink associated with the Email. (Usually an Initiative)
- Wall Owner Screen Name - Displays the screenname of the wall owner.
- Wall Post - Displays wall post.
The following fields appear in the Innovation Digest under the Enterprise Statistics Summary (Monthly) and Enterprise Statistics Summary (Weekly) templates.
- Leader Points - Displays the number of points the leader currently has.
- Latest Idea Author 1 - Author of the most recent idea.
- Latest Idea Date 1 - Date of the most recent idea.
- Latest Idea Link 1 - Hyperlink to the most recent idea.
- Latest Idea Title 1 - Title of most recent Idea.
- Recent Idea Code 1 - Idea Code of the most recent idea.
- Recent Idea Link 1 - Hyperlink of the most recent idea.
- Recent Idea Status Idea 1 - Idea status of the most recent idea.
- Recent Idea Title 1 - Title of the most recent idea.
- Your Comments - Displays the user's comments.
- Your Current Points - Displays the user's current points.
- Your Demotes - Displays the user's demote count.
- Your Promotes - Displays the user's promote count.