Brightidea's 'Reputation' functionality allows a Admins to set point amounts that users can earn for performing each of the listed activities.
- This is a great tool to complement recognition via widgets such as Mini Top Contributors, Top Contributors, My Stats, etc.
- Reputation Points can be configured under Site Setup > Users > Reputation
- Admins can set amounts for rewarded points for various activities including:
- Registration
- If a user invites a friend
- If a user's invited friend registers
- If they promote an idea
- If they demote an idea
- If someone else promotes an Idea the user submitted
- If they post an Idea
- If they post a comment on an Idea
- Once these points are set, users activity can be reflected in widgets throughout the Brightidea system
- The administrator can add negative numbers if need be.
- If any changes are made to the points after activity has been placed - it will only make those changes on future events - it will not update past events with the new point multipler.
- For reference, it is good to be aware that with chips voting option enabled, reputation points hold true with statistics in widgets.
- No matter how many chips are set for any given idea, the user will get a flat number of votes based on what is set in reputation points.
Example Scenario:
- The reputation points were set as follows:
- Promote Idea: 5 points
- Someone promotes your idea: 3 points
- Post Idea: 3 points
Use Case:
- User A submits an idea. They will receive 3 points.
- User B puts 10 chips on User A's idea.
- User B will then receive 5 points for voting or "promoting" User A's idea.
- User A will then receive another 3 points because someone promoted his/her idea.
- Please note: it does not matter how many chips are voted, that will not increase the amount of points given in a single transaction.
- If an administrator needs to give or take away points for any reason - Brightidea has a discretionary points feature available on the Enterprise level.
- If your site has Team Submission enable, read more on Team Submission here, all members of the submission team will receive reputation points. If a new user is added to the submission team after points have been awarded the new member will receive reputation points retroactively for the initial submission in the amount of points awarded when the idea was originally submitted.
Example: An idea is submitted with a team of 3 users and the points awarded for "Post Idea" is 5, all members of the team receive 5 reputation points.
An Administrator changes the amount of points for "Post Idea" to 10.
Another user is added to the submission above, that user will only receive 5 point for the submission as that was the amount awarded at the time of original submission.
Example: An idea is submitted with a team of 3 users and the points awarded for "Post Idea" is 5, all members of the team receive 5 reputation points.
is it possible to reset everyone's points to 0?
and/or is it possible to display points on a per WS basis? rather than at the Enterprise level?
Hi Michelle,
It's possible with the below beta feature:
However, we don't recommend it because it will throw off all of the point statistics going forward. E.g. number of ideas, comments, votes will no longer align with user points.
Points per Webstorm are displayed at the WebStorm level, not Enterprise.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
Hi Ron,
is this still valid? Is there a way to reset only reputation points of a single webstorm?