Strong Password Rules & Expire Email Invitation in Brightidea

Brightidea offers an enhanced Strong Password Rules option that offers further control over the security of your Brightidea system. To enable this feature, please contact your Brightidea CSM.

Once enabled in your Brightidea system, Admins can manage this Beta feature under System or Site Setup > Access > Security


System Setup

Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 4.12.46 PM.png

Enabling Strong Password Rules at the System level will require all users' passwords to meet the following requirements:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • At least one number
  • At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter

Admins can also set the number of hours before an invitation email link expires and will need to be resent.

Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 4.15.39 PM.png

Site Setup

Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 3.35.53 PM.png


Enabling Strong Password Rules at the Initiative level offers Admins customizable security options for registered users. They can choose to inherit the password options configured at the System level, or they can configure their own password requirements:

  • Maximum validity days
  • Minimum password length
  • Complexity: must contain at least __ of each:  
    • Uppercase characters
    • Lowercase characters
    • Numbers
    • Special Characters
    • Note: If you specify a number of requirements, ensure the number of selections matches. 
  • Use of dictionary words or user name, User ID, or email address
  • Use of serially sequenced letters on a keyboard
  • The number of hours before an invitation email link expires and must be resent.

If changes are made to the rules after users register, existing users must update their password to satisfy the new strong password rules.

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    Can you please confirm that this Strong Password rule is still valid? I've tried to configure a 4 digits minimum but doesn't work.

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    Anthony Madama

    Hello - yes this is still valid...Please note that all passwords, regardless of any rules, must be at least 6 characters  - apologies for the confusion.



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    Roc Chen

    Good morning. I don't know why I couldn't see these detailed rules options on my admin page, and I'm wondering where I can find an entire instruction of the password rule, such as which characters can not be used in passwords.

    Thank you

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    Hi Roc,

    This is a beta feature—let us know if you'd like it enabled on your site.

    Note that users whose passwords do not meet any new requirements will need to do a password reset. See above for additional information.

    Daniel He
    Brightidea Support