Tags and Admin Tags in Brightidea

Tags within Brightidea allow innovation programs to thrive as it permits further customization across many system components. In this article, we'll discuss where Users and Admins will experience tags, and how to use them across your Brightidea. Let's get started!




Table of Contents

Idea Tags

Tags, also known as keywords, allow Initiative Users to self-categorize their ideas. When submitting an idea, there is an option to add Tags that will be associated. Note: Tags are shared across your Brightidea, including Tags from Ideas and Blogs.


Adding Idea Tags and Admin Tags

To enable Tags for an Initiative, Admins must enable the option Idea Tags under Site Setup > Ideas > Ideas. This will populate a Tag field within the Submission Page of the Initiative.


The Tag suggestion feature will automatically search and display tags that already exist in the Initiative. Users submitting an idea may type in "time", the Tag suggestion feature will automatically search for similar tags and display them in the drop-down.

The user can then select the existing Tag and add it to their Submission. It will suggest existing tag(s) based on what user is typing to prevent duplication and encourage tag use It also allows for multi-word tags and comma separation. This is available for both End Users and Admins.

Adding Admin Tags

There is also the ability to leverage 'Admin Tags' that allow Admins to categorize and classify ideas. To input an Admin Tag on the View Idea page, type the tag with an "!" in the beginning. An example would be: !admintag


The Admin Tags are listed with the regular tags on the page, but can only be viewed by Admins.

Adding Idea Tags Via Pipeline

In the back-end Pipeline Views, Admins have improved functionality that allows for adding and removing multiple tags at once. Within either Steps View or List View, Admins can select multiple Submissions, and choose the Actions “Add Tags…” and “Remove Tags…” from the Actions dropdown. 

Selecting Add Tags will bring up a prompt for Admins that allows them to enter any number of Tags. Each Tag that is entered will be applied to all Submissions. To “retag” a group of Submissions from a fresh starting point, use the additional option to “Remove all existing tags” before applying the new ones.


Once selected, Admins will be prompted to add tags in the pop up box. When finished click "Add Tags".


Selecting Remove Tags will bring up a prompt that provides a dropdown of every existing tag across all selected Submissions. Admins can choose as many Tags as they’d like from the list and this will remove all Tags that were chosen across all selected Submissions.

Adding Admin Tags Via Pipeline

Admins will also have the ability to select "Add Admin Tags" from the Pipeline View. This will automatically add an Admin Tag to the Submission. Admin Tags can be managed in similar fashion using the corresponding “Add Admin Tags…” and “Remove Admin Tags…” actions.


Editing Tags

Users can edit Tags by navigating to the View Idea page of the Submission. Make sure the proper "idea editing" options are enabled.

Users can then remove any the associated tag by clicking the "X" that appears when hovering. Edits to tags can be made pre & post idea submission - as long as idea editing and tags are enabled in Setup.


Searching Tags

Tags can be used to search on both Enterprise & Initiative levels. Searching for specific tags will return idea results. Learn more here around Brightidea's searching capability.


Tag Reporting

Tags are available for reporting via our Excel ideas' reports in Initiative & Enterprise setup (Ideas Report)

The Tag Followers Report can be accessed in Enterprise Setup > Exports > Tag Followers

The Tag Followers Report displays the Tag, Follower, Email, and the Date the follower subscribed to the tag.

Tags are also available via our API

Tags Widgets

The Tags widget and Mini Tag Cloud widgets display an associated list with most commonly used tags appearing in larger text and least commonly used tags in smaller text. The Mini Tag Cloud widget will show popular tags in a block format 


Once more ideas are submitted, the Tags will become bigger and bolder based on how many times the word is being used. The Tags widget will show a list of all tags and have a "more" link to a page where it shows the rest of the tags.


Note: Tags of ideas that are hidden will not show in the tag cloud. If another idea that is not hidden has the same tag, only that idea will be visible on the idea view page with tag filter.

Tag Subscription

On View Idea 2.0 page, Users are able to mouse over a Tag to display a hover option allowing the Tser to Subscribe to the Tag if they are not already Subscribed. There will be a count of the number of people already Subscribed to the Tag.


The option will read Unsubscribe if they are already Subscribed. An email will be sent to the User once any Submissions are created that are associated with that particular tag.

The email template is found under Enterprise Setup > Site > System Email Messages > Initiative > Alert Idea Tag Subscriber.

Idea Tags Automatic Subscription

This option is located on Enterprise level:  Enterprise Setup > Ideas > Info and locate the option

For example, if John submits or edits his idea with the tag "revenue" - all future uses of that tag in other users' ideas will trigger a notification/email to him letting him know so.

Blog Tags

Blog tags are only visible when Admins post a new Blog and view Blog page. Tags are shared across Brightidea. i.e. Blog tags = Idea tags

Blog Tag Example: If User A goes to Initiative A and posts a Blog with Tags, then User B goes to Initiative B, and posts a new blog using the same Tags as User A, User B will see those tags.


Important Things to Note:

  • Tags are not case sensitive and will reformat to use only lower-case letters.
  • Tag suggestions can be restricted to a specific Initiative via the "Restrict Tag Suggestions to Initiative" Beta option under the Beta tab.
  • Tags cannot be pre-selected or modified - this list is generated automatically by the system. 
  • There is no limit to how many tags a user can attach to an idea.
  • All tags accommodate foreign characters as well. 
  • Two word tags can be entered with a dash in the middle. (Example: "great-idea" will be one tag, but "great" and "idea" will result in two separate tags)
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    Tags can be mandatory?

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    Anthony Madama

    Hi there -

    At this time, tags are not mandatory for import.



    Brightidea Support

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    Can End user add the tag to Idea?

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    Greg Creevey

    If an admin adds a tag, does this generate an email sent to the user who submitted the idea?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hello Greg,

    There are no email notifications that go out when an Administrator tags an idea.

    Thank you,

    Ron Orlovetskiy

    Brightidea Support

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    Matthew Kline

    How do you remove a tag? Lets say we have duplicate tags "Phone" and "Phones" and I want to remove "Phones" from the list (after I changed the one off "Phones" to "Phone"


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    Brightidea Support

    Hello Matthew,

    To remove a tag, simply delete the tag from the idea view page where the tag is located.

    Thank you,

    Ron Orlovetskiy

    Brightidea Support

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    Matthew Kline

    Thanks Ron - I meant how do I really delete a tag - not from an idea but from the drop down list of existing tags?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Matthew,

    The deleted tag will automatically clear from the tag suggestions once it is deleted from the idea. There is no way to remove a tag just from tag suggestions functionality.

    Thank you,

    Ron Orlovetskiy

    Brightidea Support


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    P2P Admin


    when admin tag an idea is it automatically visible to the end user - is there anyway we can separate the tags seen on the webstorm from those in the back end?
