The Pipeline List View (Grid) section in Platform allows the Pipeline Manager to fully manage all ideas in their Pipeline!
Table of Contents
Getting Started
- Within your Dynamic Navigation, you should see an option for 'List' that is available.
Sort / Filter Pipeline List View
- Within the list view, the Pipeline Manager can sort and filter all ideas based on specific criteria.
- Any list of sorted and filtered ideas has a distinct URL and can be bookmarked.
- Sort Ascending / Descending: Select any column header to sort ascending or descending:
- Add / Remove Columns: Columns in the grid can be removed or added by selecting the ellipsis icon in the list header:
- This option provides the Pipeline Manager with the ability to also add extra submission form questions / answers to appear as columns in the grid.
- The Pipeline Manager also has the option to add a column to show the Average Score for each step within the Pipeline
- Select the extra column option from the dropdown list to display the extra columns:
Reorder Columns: Columns in the grid can be reordered by dragging and dropping the fields in the dropdown under the ellipsis icon.
- The order of the columns in the grid matches the order of the dropdown.
- Filter Column - Select the filter icon next to the column name and enter the desired filter by text.
- After hitting "Apply", the filter will apply to the grid view.
Search Bar - The search bar allows administrators to quickly search for ideas in the Pipeline.
- Results are displayed in real time.
Managing Ideas
- From the List View, the Pipeline Manager will see all ideas the selected Pipeline.
- The list view allows the Manager to perform the following actions (via the action menu) or right clicking on any idea:
- Change Visibility: Select whether the idea is visible for end users.
- Change Category: Allows the manager to change idea category for any selected idea(s).
- Change Status: Allows the manager to change idea status for any selected idea(s).
- Change Step: Allows the manager to change idea step for any selected idea(s).
- Copy Ideas: Copy ideas to other Pipelines (Sites) in the Brightidea system.
- Link Ideas: Link ideas to create a linked connection between two or more ideas.
- Change Pipeline: Allows the manager to move an ideas to another Pipeline (Site).
- Add Tag: Add additional tags for the selected ideas.
- Add Admin Tag: Add additional admin tags for the selected ideas, these are only visible to Site & System administrators.
- Delete Ideas: Delete selected ideas. Note: Once deleted, it's not possible to recover the ideas.
Import / Export Ideas
Import Ideas
- Ideas can now be imported directly from the list view in the Brightidea Platform.
- This option will allow the manager to submit the name of an idea directly to that Pipeline without having to go to the submission form page
- This option will redirect the manager to the idea submission form page to submit a new idea.
- Select Quick Add to create a new Idea quickly
- Ideas can now be imported directly from the list view in the Brightidea Platform.
- To Submit Idea, select the down arrow next to Quick Add
- To Import ideas, select the down arrow next to Quick Add to open the import idea dialog:
- Within the import dialog, the Pipeline Manager will need to download the Excel (.XLS) import template which will be used to import ideas.
- Once the template is filled in, upload the template and select "Import Ideas" to complete this process.

- Once the upload complete, the Pipeline Manager will receive an email with the confirmation.

Export Ideas
- To Export Ideas, select the green Excel icon in the idea list view:
- The export will be downloaded in .CSV format which can be opened in Excel.
Hi - under List View / Managing Ideas / Change Pipeline, what permissions does a user have to have (or which user role) can perform this action? thanks!
Hi Marti,
The user must be either an Enterprise or Pipeline administrator to use this functionality. This is true for all functionality in the list view.
Brightidea Support