Single Scale

What is the Single Scale tool for?

    • The Single Scale step is intended to allows Pipeline Managers / Administrators to engage their subject matter experts earlier on in the idea selection process. The assigners can receive really quick and impactful numeric ratings on ideas being considered for selection / handoff.
    • This allows for evaluations of ideas based on number scale system (e.g. 1 -7). This allows idea evaluators to quickly and efficiently go through an assigned list of ideas and provide their feedback instantly.
    • When a Single Scale action item is triggered, the evaluator / screener can provide any of the following:
      • Review all components of the idea (attachments, votes, comments, any additional information) to provide a numeric rating on an idea
      • Provide feedback and/or ask questions through comments (to both idea submitters and/or fellow screeners)

Configure the Single Scale Tool:

    • To get started with 'Single Scale' tool, navigate to Step Ellipsis Menu --> Configure Single Scale:
    • In the Single Scale configuration section, the Pipeline Manager / Administrator will need to set the following parameters:
      • Evaluators:
        • Note: There can be a maximum of 180 evaluators per step
        • Note: There is a limit of 30 evaluators per category with 180 total for the step
        • Individual Assignment: Any user configured as an Evaluator will automatically be assigned an Action Item for every new Submission.
        • Category Assignment: Action Items are triggered only for Evaluators that have been assigned to a specific Category. 
      • Due Date: The Manager / Administrator can set the due date dynamically from date assigned or manually select a date if needed.
      • Idea Editing: Assignees who are not already administrators will be able to edit some idea attributes such as idea title, description and category.
      • Action Items: Cancel open action items when submission moves out of Step.
      • Send Email Alert: Allows the assigner to enable or disable the email alert on assignment.
      • Basic Settings:


    • The user has to option to configure more parameters in Advanced Settings
      • Advanced Settings:
        • Immediately: An email alert will be sent Immediately to each Assignee when a new Action Item is assigned.
        • Daily: An email alert will be sent to each Assignee when the first Action Item is assigned. Subsequent email alerts will be sent Daily.
          • Daily emails will include any Action Items assigned from the previous day
          • Daily, Assignees will receive a single email alert for new Action Items for that step at 9:00 a.m. (this will respect system time zone settings)
        • Evaluators Per Idea: When there are many ideas in a step, this setting allows you to control the number of evaluators per idea. E.g. Not every evaluator will evaluate each idea, they are balanced between the entire evaluation team.
        • Send Alerts: 
        • Email Subject and Body: The assigner has the option to enter in any desired email subject and body text - which will be sent to the selected evaluators.
        • Dynamic Fields: Allows the assigner to include dynamic fields in an Email
        • Question Text:  This question will be the basis for how the evaluators rate idea
        • Rating Scale: Set the number scale for which the ideas will be evaluated on (e.g. 1-5 or 1-7).
        • Recurring Reminders: Send email reminders to assignees after X days of inactivity.
        • Action Item Escalation: Notify certain recipients when an action item hasn’t been completed in X days.
    • Select Activate to complete the Single Scale configuration.

Assignee's experience:

    • Once assigned, each evaluator will complete their 'Single Scale' action item by simply selecting the desired number on the number scale presented for each idea.
    • The assignee can use their keyboard number keys to enter their rating, or select the respective rating right within Brightidea.
    • He/she can review the idea (and all it's appended additional information) as well as provide comments to either:

1) The idea submitter / team

2) Only fellow screeners / evaluators

3) All participants in the initiative


Important Note: Once a Single-Scale evaluation has been completed for a Submission, the Pipeline Steps View will show the overall score next to the Submission. Hovering over the Submission will also show how many Evaluators have completed and are remaining to evaluate.

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    Yue Sun

    Suppose I have 5 ideas in total to be assesed, but assesors for each idea differentiate in numbers. How do I know in the end which idea has the best score? Is it a sum of points from all assesors for each idea, or how does it work?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Yue,

    You can see the results for each idea within the manage step section of the single scale step in your Pipeline. That will show the individual scores and the overall average.

    Brightidea Support

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    Eric Lyonford

    Can the scores be viewed after an item has moved to another step? I'm looking at a decision post scoring and don't see where this data is stored.

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    Damian Dugdale

    What does update single scale order do?