What is the Pairwise tool for?
- The Pairwise step in Platform is an “A/B” idea comparison tool. The evaluator can then select the idea they like better - or select neither idea before being presented with the next pairing.
- Evaluator is presented with two ideas at a time, and selects the best one
- After all ideas are chosen / not chosen, an algorithm then ranks the ideas based on a point system.
- When a Pairwise action item is triggered, the evaluator / screener(s) will be able to select the best idea from each comparison.
- Note: The Pairwise Tool is only available in the Custom App.

Configure the Pairwise Tool:
- To get started with the Pairwise tool, navigate to Step Ellipsis Menu --> Configure Pairwise:

- In the Pairwise configuration section, the Pipeline Manager will need to set the following parameters:
- Evaluators: Select the users who will review the ideas.
- Due Date: The administrator / manager can set the due date dynamically from date assigned or manually select a date if needed.

- Idea Editing: Assignees who are not already administrators will be able to edit some idea attributes such as idea title, description and category.
- Action Items: Cancel open action items when submission moves out of Step.
- Send Email Alert: Allows the manager to enable or disable the email alert on assignment.

- Recurring Reminders: Send email reminders to assignees after X days of inactivity.
- Action Item Escalation: Notify certain recipients when an action item hasn’t been completed in X days.
- Select Activate to complete the configuration.
Assignee's experience:
- The selected evaluators will complete all assigned Pairwise action items by selecting which ideas they like best on each presented pair.
