Brightidea's Development Tool allows Evaluators to add in-depth detail to Submissions! Each Development Tool type can be configured per Initiative to accommodate your workflow needs.
Table of Contents:
- Purpose of the Development Tool
- Configuring the Development Tool
- Assignee Experience
- Revision History
Purpose of the Development Tool
The Development Tool allows Pipeline Admins to gather and develop Ideas that have been chosen for advancement.
- Note: Development questions are only visible to Admins, Moderators, and Evaluators on the back-end Action Items view.
- Note: Development questions are not visible on the View Idea page or accessible from the front end. Regular end-users cannot see Development questions.
- Custom Development questions can be configured to gather additional information for each Idea
- After the Development questions and fields are set, a Development Action Item can be added for the Idea's Submitter and Evaluators.
Configuring the Development Tool:
The Development Tool can be accessed under Pipeline Steps View > Step Actions (...) > Configure Development
The Configure Development section will present the Pipeline Admin with two options for assignment:
Category Assignment: Admins can configure the Development Step to assign Submissions based on Categories. If your Initiative has Categories based on Departments, you can configure a Step to filter Submissions to different Evaluators.
- An Administrator can assign different or the same Development Lead/Team to each Category of an Initiative. Development Action Items will then trigger for the Category assigned Users only.
- If an Initiative has Categories disabled, Admins will see a warning message informing them of the settings conflict.
- Action Items will then be assigned to all designated Evaluators to be completed.
Individual Assignment: Admins can assign Submissions to individual users with two options:
- Idea Submitter: This option assigns the Submitter of the Idea as the Development Lead
- Selected User: This option allows the Admin to select any user as the Development Lead
- Development Lead: When configuring Development Steps, Admins select a specific user to assign as Development Lead using one of the above options
- Development Team (optional): Admins can add Groups or individual users to the Development Team
- Due Date: The Due Date can be determined automatically based on the date assigned or by manual date selection
- Development Fields: The questions that the Development Evaluators will answer
After one or more users have been assigned to the Step, Admins can scroll down to select Development Fields to configure the question fields for this Development Step.
The Pipeline Administrator has the following options for each Development field/question:
- Include: Decide whether or not to include this field in the Development step
- Required: This will make the field required during the Development Step process
To edit the Development Fields, select the Edit Fields link in the modal.
The Pipeline Administrator will be redirected to the Submission Form Builder, where they can edit the Development fields as needed:
- To designate a field for Development, check the box for Development Field.
- The configured fields will appear in the Development Step configuration mentioned above.
- Note: The Instruction Text field allows Admins to add additional instructions through an image or text.
- Development fields can be configured to limit who can view the Development fields in View Idea. Visibility can be limited to:
- Administrators and Evaluators
- Administrators only
- Administrators, Evaluators, and Submitters
- Administrators, Evaluators, all other users.
- Note: When configured to Administrators Only, Administrators and Moderators can view Development field data in View Idea 2.0. Evaluators can only view Development field data in the context of their Development Action Item.
Idea Editing: Non-Admin Evaluators will be able to edit some Idea attributes such as Idea Title, Description, and Category.
Action Items: Admin can choose to have open Action Items automatically canceled when the Idea moves out of the Step.
Send Alerts:
- Immediately: An email alert will be sent immediately to each assignee when a new Action Item is assigned.
- Daily: An email alert will be sent to each Assignee when the first Action Item is assigned, and subsequent email alerts will be sent Daily at 9:00 a.m. (as set in the system's time zone settings) and will include any Action Items assigned from the previous day.
Email Subject and Body: Admins can enter any desired email subject and body text
Dynamic Fields: Allows the Admin to include dynamic fields in an Email
Recurring Reminders: Send email reminders to assignees after X days of inactivity.
Action Item Escalation: Admins can choose to notify assignees when an Action Item hasn’t been completed in X days.
Assigned Evaluators' experience:
After a Development Action Item is configured and assigned, designated Evaluators will receive a new Development Action Item to complete.
The Evaluator can complete the Development Action Item by filling in all required questions and selecting Mark Complete to finish and submit or Save to finish later.
Revision History:
Each time a user clicks Save, Mark Done, or Mark as Complete on the Action Item page for Development questions, a copy of their answers is saved in the Idea's Revision History.
Previous revisions can be accessed from the top-right corner of the Action Item page via Revision History:
The following information is stored with each revision:
- The answers to all Development questions.
- The user who saved the revision.
- The timestamp when the revision was saved.
This Development Action Item view displays the most recent version by default.
The dropdown next to Revision History displays all previous versions:
Restore Revision allows the user to restore a previously saved revision of the Development answers:
When Restore Revision is selected, the user is redirected back to the edit view of the form with the selected revision's answers pre-populated in the form:
Note: Previous revisions cannot be edited. If a user selects Update after restoring a previous revision's answers, a new revision will be created.
Note: Previous revisions of Development questions are only available for Development versions saved after June 29, 2016.
Can the development lead, when knowing more about the idea, add their own development team members or is this the privilege of only the Pipeline Manager?
Hi Damian,
Only the Pipeline Manager is able to change the configuration and add/remove team members from the development step.
Brightidea Support
After the development lead mark complete who/where can other see the fields he filled up? In our tests those fields cannot be seen on the original idea view, not either for evaluators of furthers steps.
@Simplez Administrador
you can only see them in further steps if you have further steps after development i.e. a scorecard or review in list view, or in the manage step option (by selecting the gear icon)
we've got a request in on ideas.brightidea around having a turn on / off feature in the platform that allows you to have them show up on the front end if you want (proposal would be to have check box next to development step when selecting it as development step)
Here is the idea
Thanks Damian, very helpful. Already voted for your idea at ideaspace.
When there are multiple people completing the Development action, are each person's form saved?
Are the development questions able to be seen outside of the development tool step? I seem to remember them being visible in the submission form once complete, am I remembering that incorrectly?
Hi Stephanie,
Development question can only be seen on the back-end, it's currently not possible to have developments questions/answers also show on the end user idea view in WebStorm.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
Hi Ron,
So to be clear, it's only visible in that specific tool step in the manage development tool option?
Hi Stephanie,
Yes, and also in the action item view of action item assignees.
E.g. if you pass the idea to another step, e.g. scorecard, the user evaluating the scorecard can see the development answers on the action item view.
Hey Ron, is there a way to have the action item assigned to everyone on the team submission? Now that there is a revision history and all??
If not, how shall teammates of the submitter see the responses to the dev form questions?
Hi Stephanie,
Configuring a development step with idea submitter will not also include team members. You can however manually add team members to the development team.
Hi Team... I'm back! Question regarding development team... I am using category assignment for the development lead and team. If a member of the dev team completes the development question, is there a way to mark the action items for that idea as complete for both lead and team members?
Hi Stephanie,
That is already the case, only the lead can complete a development action item and once that happens, it marks all of the development team associated action items for that specific idea/step as complete.
- Brightidea Support