Analytics - Engagement Dashboard

The Engagement Dashboard in the Command Center provides Innovation Program Managers' with metrics about participants in their Brightidea. This information can be easily shared with their executive team and also enables the IPM to take action in their affiliate.


Table of Contents:

Getting Started

To access the Engagement tab from the Command Center select the "Analytics" tab and then select "View Engagement Dashboard" 


The IPM will then be redirected to the Engagement Dashboard. From the Engagement Dashboard page the IPM can access various metrics through the "Overall", "By Department", "By Location", and "By Initiative" tabs.

Overall Tab

By selecting the "Overall" tab the IPM can view data pertaining to all Engagements/Participants within their affiliate.

Engagement Over Time

This metric updates once every 24 hours and will display unique participants and unique visitors over the timeframe selected. Participants are Users who engaged in one of the following activities: submitted an innovation (submission, opportunities, or projects), commented, or voted. Visitors are Users who have accessed the site at least once.

Participation by Activity 


This graphic compares the number total number of unique Participants who submitted innovations, commented, and voted in the timeframe selected for the Engagement Over Time metric of your Brightidea.

Participants in Period vs. Prior Period (cumulative)

This chart allows the IPM to compare Participants between periods of time for the selected timeframe.

Departments Tab

This metric is dependent on the configuration of Departments in the Configurable User Profile fields. If no Department data exists everything will be labeled "No Department". This metric also updates only once every 24 hours.

Participants by Department (cumulative)

This graph displays Participants over time by department within the timeframe selected. The top 5 departments with the most participants are displayed. A sixth segment labeled "Other" combines all other department data into one.

Admins can click on a Department to disable/enable it. When disabling a department, the chart will reload with the department excluded.

Engagement Summary by Department


This chart displays Users and their events by Department, sorted by total Participants in descending order. This feature is also available in the Overall, Location, and Initiatives tabs. Events outside of the timeframe selected have been excluded. 

Locations Tab

This tab is dependent on the configuration of Location in the User Profile fields. If no Location data exists everything will be labeled "No Location."

Participants by Location (cumulative)

This metric updates once every 24 hours and displays Participants over time by Location within the timeframe selected. The top 5 locations with the most participants are displayed. The IPM can click on a location to disable/enable it, same as the Departments chart

Engagement Summary by Location

This chart displays Users and their events by Location sorted by total participants in descending order. Events outside of the timeframe selected have been excluded.

Initiatives Tab

Participants by Initiative (cumulative)


This graph that updates once every 24 hours will display Participants by Initiative within the timeframe selected. The top 5 Initiatives with the most participants are displayed. The IPM can click on an Initiative to disable/enable it, same as the Departments and Locations charts.

Engagement Summary by Initiative


Displays Users and their events by Initiative sorted by total Participants in descending order. Events outside of the timeframe selected have been excluded.

  • Please note: Under the summary, the metrics based on the sum of Unique Participants across your Initiatives (i.e. Users that have submitted ideas in different Initiatives) would be counted multiple times here (this is why the number is greater than the Overall metrics).
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