Table of Contents:
- Getting Started
- Overall Tab
- Innovations Created Over Time
- Recorded Metrics
- Innovations by Status
- Innovations Created in Period vs. Prior Period
- Departments Tab
- Locations Tab
- Challenges Tab
- Reports
Getting Started
- To access the Innovations Dashboard select the "Analytics" tab from the Command Center and then select "View Innovations Dashboard"
- The IPM will then be redirected to the Innovations Dashboard
- From the Innovations Dashboard page the IPM can access various reports through the "Overall", "Departments", "Locations", and "Challenges" tabs.
Overall Tab
- By selecting the "Overall" tab the IPM can view data pertaining to all Created Innovations within their program.
Innovations Created Over Time
- This report displays Innovations (ideas, opportunities or projects) created over the timeframe selected.
- The IPM can view total amount by date by hovering over chart.
- Note: Pipelines marked Research Pipeline can be filtered out of the entire Innovations Dashboard by selecting the gear icon and checking off "Exclude Research Pipelines"
Recorded Metrics
- This chart displays recorded metrics in the Innovations Dashboard
- Metrics shown in chart area:
- Total Innovations Created: Total number of innovations submitted within timeframe
- Avg. Innovations Created Per Day: Average number of Innovations added per day
- Avg. Innovations Created Per Month: Average number of Innovations added per month
- Innovations Marked Complete: Total number of Innovations with a status of "Complete"
- Total Projected Value: Total Projected Value (sum, of "Total Projected Profits")for innovations created in time period.
- Total Tracked Outcomes: Total outcomes(dollar value; sum of all "Revenue" and "Cost Savings" recorded) associated with those innovations created.
- Note: To learn more about Projections and Outcomes please reference this article on Projections and Outcomes.
Innovations by Status
- This chart displays the current System Status for the ideas created within the timeframe selected
Innovations Created in Period vs. Prior Period
- The chart allows the IPM to compare innovations created between the time period selected and with the previous time period
Department Tab
- This tab is dependent on the configuration of Departments in the User Profile fields. If no Department data exists everything will be labeled "No Department." Please refer to the Brightidea Profiles article to learn how this is configured.
Created Innovations by Department (cumulative)
- The top chart displays data for Innovations created over time by department within the timeframe selected.
- The top 5 departments with the most innovations created are displayed. A sixth segment labeled "Other" combines all other department data into one
- The IPM can click on a department to disable/enable it.
- When disabling a department, the chart should reload the chart with the department excluded
Innovations Summary by Department
- Displays innovations by department sorted by total Innovations, Title, Ave. Per Day, Total Marked Complete, Projected Value, Tracked Outcomes, as well as search functionality.
- Innovations added outside of the timeframe selected will be excluded.
Locations Tab
- This tab is dependent on the configuration of Location in the User Profile fields. If no Location data exists everything will be labeled "No Location."
Innovations Created by Location (cumulative)
- This chart displays Innovations created over time by location within the timeframe selected.
- The top 5 locations with the most innovations created are displayed.
- The IPM can click on a department to disable/enable it, same as the Departments chart
Innovations Summary By Location
- This chart displays innovations by location sorted by total Innovations in descending order.
- Innovations added outside of the timeframe selected have been excluded.
Challenges Tab
Innovations Created by Challenge (cumulative)
- This chart displays innovations created over time by challenge within the timeframe selected.
- The top 5 challenges with the most innovations created are displayed.
- The IPM can click on a Challenge name to disable/enable it, same as the Departments chart
Innovations Summary by Challenge
- This chart displays Innovations by challenge sorted by total Innovations in descending order.
- Innovations added outside of the timeframe selected have been excluded.
- The Created Innovations report can be exported from the Innovations Dashboard
- To view the report select the Excel icon
- The Created Innovations report can be downloaded in a CSV file and gives a detailed list of all created innovations in the system
- The report will reflect the data displayed in the "Overall" tab but can be filtered to see ideas by department, location, and challenge.
- Note: The Challenge level report will display each row by challenge
Will the innovations dashboard always only show the top 5 challenges?