Find Owner (Idea Box, Suggest Apps)

The Find Owner tool type in the Idea Box, Innovation Process, Memo, and Suggest apps makes it easier for the Innovation team to find an Owner for an Idea. The Idea Owner can claim ownership of a Submission and determine if the Idea is worth implementing.  Read below to learn more!



Getting Started

  • Note: To enable this feature, please contact your Brightidea CSM.

  • The Find Owner tool type allows Ideas to be assigned to an Owner based on the Idea Category.

  • Select an Owner for each Category in the configuration.

  • The Action Item for the "Find Owner" step will be triggered for the respective Owner when an Idea is submitted for that Category.

    • Once the Owner receives the Action Item, they can decide to claim or reject ownership of the Idea by selecting Yes or No respectively.


  • Once the Idea Owner claims ownership, they can decide whether or not to implement the Idea.
    • Selecting Yes will move the Idea to the next Step.
    • Selecting No will move the Idea directly into the Not Pursued Step.
      • Note: This Step name must remain Not Pursued for Submissions to automatically move to this Step.


  • If an Owner rejects ownership of an Idea, they will be prompted with the option to assign a new Owner.


Editing the Owner Field

The Idea Owner option is enabled by default for the Idea Box, Memo, Innovation Process, and Suggest apps. However, all other app types can also leverage its benefits by manually enabling the option under Site Setup > Ideas.

Once enabled, the Owner field will display in Idea and Pipeline views.

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 4.43.01 PM.png

The Owner field can also be edited manually from Idea View, with or without the Find Owner tool. To make changes, hover over the field and select the Edit icon. You can then search and select a new Owner for the submission or remove the existing Owner to return the field to Not Assigned.




Additional Note:

  • Find Owner labeling can be updated through the Label Editor in Enterprise Setup.
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    Thomas Popp

    Are there any reminder emails to owners? Can they be scheduled?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Thomas,

    Unfortunately, there is no automated action item reminder functionality at this time. Please feel free to submit an enhancement request to our IdeaSpace (

    Thank you,
    Brightidea Support

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    Damian Dugdale

    Is the Idea Owner an attribute that can be edited if allowing assignee's to edit idea attributes?

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    Victor Camilo

    With so many email notifications and options for creating rules, I'm surprised we don't have an option to set up a rule or email notification for when the idea owner is changed. Similar to the when the idea status is changed, -the idea submitter is notified.