Brightidea Product Release Notes - July 26, 2018

Hello Everybody!

The below took effect Wednesday, July 26th, 2018. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the  Support Portal. 

Here are all the updates and improvements we made:

Front End Site

  • The Idea Boards left-hand side slide-out now is further responsive, regardless of browser size!
  • Fixed issues with accessing the breakdown of information in the Evaluations tab on View Idea.
  • Fixed issue with idea boards display of submissions anonymously.
  • Fixed an issue with idea cards (on Idea Boards) showing no voting data when voting and commenting disabled.
  • Fixed issues with the 'Sponsor widget' - in some cases it was not displaying the 'Job Title' field set in the profile.
  • When rules are set to edit an idea, the editing transaction is now displayed in the 'History' tab on the idea.
  • Going forward, any invite emails sent from the People Pillar, will now respect 'Name' and 'Contact Email' settings set in Enterprise Setup.
  • Administrators now have the capability to add 'Expert Skills' as a profile field type (under Users --> Profile Fields)
  • Fixed issues with data display in the Submissions with Outcomes details report.

Back End Pipeline

  • Corrected an issue to the 'Action Item Progress' (under Manage Step) graphs where it was showing inaccurate data.
  • Fixed some issues with sorting columns on the Business Impact dashboard.
  • Fixed issues with characters on the map on Pipeline dashboard.

If you have any questions about these updates, please do not be shy to let us know. And as always, stay tuned for more coming soon next week! :)


Anthony, Brightidea Product Team

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