Apply to Join Functionality

Are there Gigs or Hackathon Projects that you would be an essential asset for? Now, with a click of a button, you can apply to volunteer or join a team. 



Table of Contents

How to Enable

  • Note: This feature is available for the Gig and Hackathon apps only.

Team Application can be enabled under Site Setup > Ideas > Team Building.

  • If the Team Building tab is unavailable, please contact a Brightidea Support member to enable it.


The feature will also need to be enabled and added as a widget within your idea template.

Note: The gear icon for adding the widget does not display within the popup modal for View Idea 3.0. Admins must be on the main View Idea 3.0 page that is accessed by clicking the Idea Code at the top of the modal.

You can find out more about View Idea 3 widgets and how to enable here.


By adding an "Apply" button for submissions, you can encourage team building among your users. When users see the option to apply while browsing through an Idea Board, they may become more interested in participating.

Applying To Volunteer

When a User is on the Gig or Project page, a button labeled Apply will be beneath the Idea Image Note: This button will not be visible to the Idea Submitter.


Clicking on the Apply button will bring up a prompt allowing you to send a message to the Idea Submitter. This message includes your email, a message, and your Expertise. Note that on View Idea 3, the Expertise is entered in line with the modal. 

After you Apply, a system Notification is sent to the Idea Owner that informs them on your application. 


Idea Owners can track all of their current Applicants through a tab within the View Idea page. From here Idea Owners can accept, reject, or privately message the users. The ability to reject is only on View Idea 3.0. 


The Idea Owner will also receive an Email message notifying them of your application.

Dear [Submitter_Name], 

[User_name] applied to [submission_title]

Email: [contact_email]


View [more details | in context link to View Idea]


This Email can be edited within your Pipeline Setup > Emails


If an Applicant is accepted, they will automatically be added to the team. Teams can be edited at any point within the team widget.

And reminder, you can now add a Team Name, read more here


Accepting or Rejecting Applicant 

When viewing Applicants, team members can choose to accept, reject, or privately message the individuals. This functionality is only available in View Idea 3.

When accepting or rejecting, a modal will pop-up for the teammate to provide optional additional information explaining the decision. 

This will be sent as an in-app alert and email to the end user. 

Cancelling Application 

At any time, the user who requested to join team or be accepted for the position, can cancel their application. This will remove them from the list of potential applicants. The user can return and re-apply if desired. 

This is only available in View Idea 3. 

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    Rob Russillo

    Can an admin edit the Apply prompt box?