Brightidea Product Release Notes - February 12th, 2020

Our latest Product Release took effect Wednesday, February 12th, 2020. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Support Portal.

Here are all the updates and improvements we made:

Pipeline Management

  • Admins can more easily change the order of their Rules Engine rules! You can now move rules to the top or bottom of the rules list. When creating a new rule, you can also choose which number the rule is in the list.
  • Pipeline Admins were experiencing issues saving Scorecard Templates. This was fixed by our Engineering team.
  • When cloning a Rules Engine rule, the duplicate will now appear directly below the original rule.

Idea Boards

  • Fixed a permissions issue with Moderators not seeing tags on hidden ideas.

Actions Items

  • Users can now search their action item list by submission code!
  • Evaluations were experiencing an issue with the text display on the Attachments uploader. The text for this uploader has been fixed.

System Administrator

  • The wizard for Initiative Request has been improved so that Admins are directed to the Apps page rather than the Custom App.

User Home

  • Fixed an issue where Submit and Browse buttons were not showing in the Activities List.


  • End-Users were not able to search for Blog posts, this has been fixed.

If you have any questions about these updates, please do not be shy to let us know. And as always, stay tuned for more coming soon next week! :)


Nate, Brightidea Support Team

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