Brightidea Product Release Notes - March 4th, 2020

Our latest Product Release took effect Wednesday, March 4th, 2020. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Support Portal.

Here are all the updates and improvements we made:

Submission Form

  • The Expertise Picker was populating results incorrectly when applied to the Submission Form. This has been resolved for all Submission Forms.


  • An issue was resolved where submit via email was creating duplicate submissions. This was fixed going forward so that submit via email will only create one submission.

Pipeline Management

  • Rules Engine can now include the Action to add "Private Comments"! Admins can now set up their Rules to post a "Private Comment".
  • As Evaluators were updated within Step Configurations, certain Action Items were not assigning correctly. This has been fixed by our Engineering team going forward.
  • Single Scale question fields character limit has been increased! Now you can explain certain questions in detail in order to complete evaluations.

Actions Items

  • Evaluator permissions have been updated to allow linking to any Submissions they have access to, including their own Submissions or from Initiatives they are Admins/Evaluators for.
  • Development Action Items were displaying User Selection results incorrectly. Our Engineering team fixed this so that a list of Users will populate when using User Selection.

User Home

  • When editing an image in the User Home Administrator Message, the option "Open link in new tab" was not saving correctly. This was resolved by our Engineering team.
  • A mismatch with the number of Projects a User sees with the number of Projects the User has access to has been resolved.

If you have any questions about these updates, please do not be shy to let us know. And as always, stay tuned for more coming soon next week! :)


Nate, Brightidea Support Team

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