Our latest Product Release took effect Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Support Portal.
Here are all the updates and improvements we made:
- An issue with Scorecard and Single Scale Action Items were not generating the scores correctly after they were completed. Our Engineering team was able to investigate this issue and resolve in a timely manner.
General Settings
- Timezones will now be respected in Pipeline Manager, Action Item View page, Action Item Manager, Phase Widget and History Tab
Pipeline Steps View
- We have updated the functionality of clicking on Submissions, so that clicking on the ID code will open the View Idea page in the same tab. Previously, clicking on the ID code opened a new tab. The new functionality is as follows:
- For Macs, Command + Click will open a new tab
- For PCs, Control + Click will open a new tab
- When an Idea is copied, the link to the copied Submission will now show correctly. This was previously broken in some use cases, but our Engineering team was able to fix.
Action Items
- An issue with Scorecard Action Items was not tagging Users correctly. This was resolved by our Engineering team after further investigation.
If you have any questions about these updates, please do not be shy to let us know. And as always, stay tuned for more coming soon next week! :)
Nate, Brightidea Support Team