Share Button

Important Note: This feature is currently in beta, and is available by default for Idea Box. It can be enabled for all other apps by opting in under the 'Site Setup' beta tab. Please report any issues to support, and post enhancement requests to IdeaSpace.


Everything You Need to Know about the Share Button!

The Share Button makes it quick and easy to invite other people in your organization to either manage or participate in your Idea Box.


Getting Started

The Share Button will appear by default for all Idea Boxes. If you would like to enable it for a non-Idea Box initiative, it can be turned on from the Site Setup > Beta tab.

The Share Button will appear for Administrators and Managers in the site dynamic navigation bar, available from any page in your Idea Box siteno need to dig into setup menus.


Clicking the Share Button will display a popup split into two tabs, Participants and Managers.

Tip: You can also call up the Share Button popup from any page by adding ?share=true to the end of the URL.


Participants Tab

From the Participants tab, you can invite new users and groups to join your Idea Box.


You can also see who already has access, and remove individual users or user groups from you Idea Box. If a group does not yet exist in your system, you can import a new user group from a spreadsheet.


If the user you’re searching for does not exist, you can just type in their email address to create a new account on the fly. They will be sent an invite email to complete their registration for you Brightidea system.


Managers Tab

From the Managers tab, you can invite new users to be managers for your Idea Box.



While inviting a manager, you can select whether to add them as an Idea Box Manager or Pipeline Manager. Managers can also be removed from this modal.


These users will receive an invite email to complete their registration, as well as an email notification that they have been assigned as a manager for the Idea Box.


Share Button for End Users

By default, the Share Button will be available to Administrators and Managers. You can optionally choose to enable the Share Button for end users, so that they can invite their own network to participate in the Initiative. Share Button for End Users can be enabled from the Site Setup > Beta tab.


End users will also see the Share Button from any page on the initiative site. However, the popup will only have the Participants tab available. From there, they can invite existing users to join the initiative. They can also add users without existing accounts by typing in their email address.

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