Our latest product release took effect Wednesday, January 15th, 2025. This post may be different from the release notes received via email.
To read Brightidea's complete documentation, you can visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Support Portal.
General Bug Fixes and Enhancements
- Assignees Popup Display Issue- We fixed an issue where the Update Assignees popup disappeared after displaying briefly, which affected some systems.
- Email Confirmation Link Correction- We updated a broken link in email confirmations for new Innovation Process Apps to direct users to the Innovation Process Knowledge Base Article.
- Preserved Sort Selections Display- We fixed an issue where Ideas in the Steps view did not reflect retained Sort selections after a page refresh for some systems.
Project Room
- Business Impact Padding Adjustment—We corrected an additional padding issue below the Business Impact section in the Project Room when editing and saving when empty, which affected some systems.
- Renamed Paste Option in Whiteboard File Menu- We updated the File Menu to change the Paste preference to "Paste in place" for a more straightforward user experience.
- Corrected Pasting Position in Whiteboard- We fixed an issue where pasted objects were placed incorrectly at the context menu instead of the intended spot on the whiteboard.
- Textbox Width Fix- We resolved an issue where textboxes in the Whiteboard did not adhere to the designed width.
- Font Change Flicker Fix- We resolved an issue in Whiteboard where changing fonts caused a temporary flicker to a different font before displaying the selected font.
- Issue on Rotating Textbox—We corrected a visual issue in which rotating a Textbox caused the font to appear as glyphs in the Whiteboard.
- Viewport Centering Fix- We resolved an issue where the viewport would shift to the center when refreshing a page with text added in the corner in Whiteboard.