Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Users, List
- Users, Profile
- Licenses and Roles
- Administrators
- Add / Import Users
- Update Existing User Profiles
- Certifications
- Invite Email
Getting Started
- To get started select the "People" icon from the menu bar on top
Users List
- Within this view the IPM can see a list of all users in their system.
- The IPM can sort user information based on:
- Name
- Screen Name
- Email Address
- Account Status
- Roles
- Last Login Date
- The IPM also has the option to search for users by:
- Name
- Screen Name
- Next to the search bar, the total amount of registered users in the system will be displayed.
User, Profile Page
- Once the IPM searches for a user they can click on either the Name, Screen Name, or Email to view user profile information
- Users can be deactivated and deleted from the user page, using the [...] menu button on the right side of the screen
- Deactivating a user will prevent that user from logging into the system. However, all associated data including submissions, comments, votes, and action item results will remain.
- When viewing a deactivated user from this screen, a note will be displayed alongside their name indicating the admin who deactivated them and the corresponding date
- Deactivation is reversible; deactivated users can be reactivated from the same menu
- Deleting a user will permanently delete the user's account and all data associated with it. The confirmation prompt will provide an overview of what will be deleted so that you can understand the scope of impact.
- On the User page the IPM can also view information such as Key Metrics specific to the the user, Expertise and Endorsements, and Certifications.
- Key Metrics include:
- Overall Contribution: This is a percentile rank of the user based on reputation points.
- Challenge Participation Rate: This is a percentile of the number of challenges that the user participated in (either vote, comment, or submitted idea), divided by the total number of challenges that the user is in the user access groups.
- Evaluation Participation Rate: This is a percentile of evaluation action items (Review, Single Scale, or Scorecard) that the user completed divided by the total number of evaluation action items that have been assigned to the user.
- Complete Projects: This is the total number of projects with a “Completed” system status that the user is either on the project team or is project lead.
- Tracked Outcomes: This is a sum total of revenues and cost savings for projects that the user is either on the project team or is project lead.
- Administrators can also add certifications to each user selected, users will now be able to view their certifications on their Enterprise profile page:
- In addition, Users that receive certifications will be notified via email. This email can be configured under Enterprise Setup > Site > System Email Messages > Certification Received
Users, License and Roles
- This section displays all roles the user is assigned to, and the corresponding pipeline
- Users with admin roles can view a user's list of roles and licenses
- Users with admin roles can also remove a user from all roles and licenses by clicking on the "..." drop-down menu > Remove all Roles.
- The administrator tab provides a list of users who are configured under an 'administrator' type user role on your Brightidea site.
- Under this tab, the administrator(s) can see a total count of current administrator(s) and also see what Pipeline/Challenge the user is actually configured an administrator in.
- Please note, this section supports a maximum of 350 administrators.
- Also, it excludes any Brightidea employee administrators you might have configured on your site.
- The "Summary of Max # of Administrators" section provides the previous administrator license counts for the past 10 months.
NOTE: For more information on Administrator Licensing (including how to remove/update Administrators) feel free to review our Support Article here: Quick Reference Guide regarding Admin Licensing
Add / Import Users
- The Import Users feature allows the IPM to directly import users from the Command Center.
- To get started select "Import Users" from the dropdown on the top right.
- First select "Download Template"
- Please check that email and screen name are confirmed
- Please remove all spaces and special characters from email addresses and/or screen names
- Confirm the settings of the Excel template.
- Make sure the completed template is saved as a .xlsx or .xls file
- Save the file to desktop
- Back on the user import, select "Choose File" and select the recently saved file.
- Once selected, the User Import will automatically scan the import and give the administrator a preview before finalizing the import.
- IPM's also have the option to "Include Invite Email" for all newly imported users - More on this below.
- Once the upload is complete the IPM will receive confirmation that all users were successfully uploaded.
- The IPM can also add individual users by selecting "Add User"
- In this tab the IPM can add user profile fields, additional profile fields, add the user as an administrator, and send an email invite to the user.
Update Existing User Profiles
- The user import functionality also allows user profile fields to be updated via the user import.
- To update a user profile via import select the same import template that is used to import new users.
- Note: The groups field does not overwrite with subsequent imports, any new data is appended.
- Note: In some cases new values are created for profile fields if they do not exist already - e.g. dropdown fields or checkbox fields.
- All Profile fields can be updated in the template except the "Email" field.
- The email address is used as the main account identifier to update account.
- Note: In order to update user profiles the user email must remain the same (as the one that already exists on the user(s) profiles).
- Fill in the updated profile data and run the import.
- Once the file is imported the IPM will receive confirmation that all users were successfully updated.
- The updates will populate the user's profile fields.
- The Certifications tab allows the IPM to configure certifications that can be added to user profiles.
- To create a new certification type in the name of the new certification and click the color icon
- After the color is configured click the "plus" icon to add the certification
- After the certification is added to the list remember to click "Save"
- Once the certification is added to the certifications list the IPM will be able to add/edit certifications to user profiles in the "Users" tab.
- After that option is selected the IPM can add new certifications to user profiles.
- When done adding/editing select "Update"
Invite Email
- A new feature of user import within the Control Panel is the option to send invite emails to all newly imported/added users.
- To get started click on the "Invite Email" tab
- Within this view the IPM can configure the email template that is sent to all new users including:
- Uploading a Logo/Image
- Setting the Border/Button Colors
- Creating the content for the email Subject and Body
- The IPM has the option to add dynamic fields to the template by selecting one from the dynamic field dropdown and then selecting the "plus" icon.
- Once template is saved the IPM can send a test email to ensure that everything is displaying correctly by selecting "Send Test Email"
Where do these certifications show for the user or for others looking at the user profile?
Hi Damian,
Good question, it doesn't show anywhere right now (other than the People Pillar for Administrator). This is functionality that is planned to be built out in the near future.
Brightidea Support
When you say near future, when is that?
Hi Damian,
I would say late Q1 of 2016, but there is no specific ETA set right now.
Brightidea Support
I see that a user can add expertise, but where does this show for others?
Also, where do the accreditations show?
Hi Damian,
The expertise will only show up if someone visit a user's profile page that had expertise inputted by that user. They will not show up anywhere else at this time.
Can you clarify what you mean by "accreditations"? Are you referring to the People Pillar 'Certifications'? Those will only appear in the back-end for the administrators right now.
Brightidea Support