Terms & Conditions

You can configure the Terms and Conditions that users must accept to complete their registration and participate in your system. This can be done for the entire system as well as for individual Initiatives. Initiative-level Terms and Conditions can be useful if specific activities in your system require different or additional terms, such as collecting intellectual property or running contests.

Terms and conditions for your system or Initiative can be updated as needed when required by your organization.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.47.53 AM.png


Enterprise Level Terms & Conditions

The Terms and Conditions editor can be found in System Setup > Site > Terms.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.28.37 AM.png

Along with the Terms and Conditions text, Admins can select Require scroll through all terms. When this option is enabled, all users must scroll through the entire Terms and Conditions before allowing them to check the acknowledgement checkbox and accept the terms.

Admins can also select Reset Terms for All Users, which requires all users to accept the Terms and Conditions before they may continue navigating within Brightidea.


Initiative Level Terms & Conditions

The Initiative-level Terms and Conditions editor can be found in Site Setup > Site > Terms.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.48.56 AM.png

From here, Admins can choose whether the Initiative uses the System-level terms or uses its own specific Terms and Conditions. These settings are specific to each Initiative. By default, Initiatives use System-level Terms and Conditions.

As with System-level Terms and Conditions, Admins can configure the terms text and whether users are required to scroll through all terms. They can also reset the terms for users at the Initiative level.

If Initiative-level Terms and Conditions are enabled, users will be required to accept Terms and Conditions before accessing the Initiative, regardless of whether they accepted System-level terms.


Important Things to Note:

  • The Terms and Conditions editor allows basic text formatting

  • Terms and Conditions are accepted on a per-account basis; users will not be required to re-accept terms unless an Admin resets them.

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  • Avatar

    Is it possible to set a "scroll to end" requirement to the terms and conditions, so that "accept" is deactivated until the bottom of the T&C is reached to ensure increased confirmation?  If not, this would be useful functionality to add to the platform, especially for public-facing webstorms where your terms and conditions come into play more often.

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    Anthony Madama

    Hey Christian - 

    Unfortunately that does not exist at this time.  Definitely feel free to submit that into our IdeaSpace forum.

    Thank you!



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    Sam Gasgous

    can we put a hyperlink that is clickable (AKA HTML code)?


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    Brightidea Support

    Hello Sam,

    The Terms and Conditions page does not support hyperlink html code at this time.

    Thank you,

    Ron Orlovetskiy

    Brightidea Support

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    Luca Volterrani

    Dear support,

    once the user accept terms and conditions how can the admin keep track of that?

    Let's assume that something goes wrong in an initiative and T&C with user acceptance must be retrieved to remind the rules that he/she has subscribed.

    How the admin do that? Is there a register that allow the admin to prove at anytime that the complaining user as accepted certain conditions?



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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Luca,

    There is no functionality right now that will allows an admin to track T&C. Please feel free to suggest something in our IdeaSpace (ideas.brightidea.com).

    Brightidea Support

    Edited by Brightidea Support