Leveraging Brightidea's Dynamic Navigation feature allows Admins to configure Navigation links in the header navigation bar so that all users can easily access any page on your Brightidea site!
Dynamic Navigation is available for both Enterprise and Initiatives.
- Administrators should be mindful of the user experience and ensure the mapped navigation makes sense throughout Brightidea.
- Dynamic Navigation is configured under System Setup or Site Setup > Site > Navigation
Admins can limit which user roles may access the links in Dynamic Navigation:
- ALL - Everyone in the Brightidea system can see and access this link.
ADMIN - Only Administrators can see and access this link, including:
- System Administrators *Enterprise only
- Site Administrators *Initiatives only
EVALUATOR - Pipeline Evaluators can see and access this link.
- Unless users are assigned as Evaluators under Pipeline Management, they will not see or have access to the link, even if they are assigned a specific Action Item.
- To learn more about the Evaluator role, check out this support article.
MODERATOR - Moderators can see and access this link.
- To learn more about Moderator permissions, check out this support article.
- To add a new link in Dynamic Navigation, select Add a Navigation Item
- To add a sub-navigation link, select the green plus sign next to the drop-down of the parent link:
- To remove any dynamic navigation item, select the red "X" to the right of the row:
- Admins will receive a pop-up to confirm the deletion of the navigation item:
- Admins can also drag and drop the position arrow to the left of the row to change the order of the navigation links.
- To make the navigation link open in a new window, enable New Window
The best practice for Brightidea sites that utilize multiple domains is to configure Dynamic Navigation with the following notation:
- ../ct/page_name
- The dynamic navigation will then inherit whichever domain the user is accessing- for example, if a user has navigated to either "ideas.company.com" or "ideas.brightidea.com", the domain will carry through all their navigation links so the experience is seamless when browsing the Brightidea site.
For each item added to Dynamic Navigation, Admins should use the standard dynamic link option from the blue arrow drop-down to select pre-determined pages in Brightidea.
- Alternatively, Admins can manually input any URL desired for a navigation link
- Note: The maximum number of characters allowed for URLs is limited to 2048.
Admins can select from the following frequently accessed pages:
- Home
- My Profile
- View Ideas
- Post Idea *Initiatives only
- Dashboard *Enterprise only
- Blog
- Pipeline *Enterprise only
- Setup
- User Home Page
- My Proposals *Enterprise only
- Business Results *Enterprise only
- Manage Pipelines
Evaluation Page *Initiatives only
- The Evaluation Page links evaluators to the latest Step in which they have assigned Action Items. This link can only be made available to users that have been assigned as an Evaluator under Pipeline Management.
Admins can select from the following frequently accessed pages: