What is the Scorecard tool for?
The Scorecard tool type provides Pipeline Managers / Administrators with the ability to the find best ideas using a template based questionnaire. Scorecards have fully customizable templates that allow the Pipeline Managers / Administrators to find the exact information they need and choose the best idea.
- Template / Questionnaire configuration
- Single interface for all scorecard action items
- Track scoring progress
- Engage other evaluators through comments
When a Scorecard Action Item is triggered, the Evaluator can provide any of the following:
- Review all components of the idea (attachments, votes, comments, any additional information) to help complete the scorecard questions / answers.
- Provide feedback and/or ask questions through comments (to both idea submitters and/or fellow evaluators)
Configure the Scorecard Tool:
To get started with Scorecards, navigate to Step Ellipsis Menu > Configure Scorecard:
In the Scorecard configuration section, the Pipeline Manager will need to set the following parameters:
- Individual Assignment: Any user configured as an Evaluator will automatically be assigned an action item per each note submission.
- Note: There can be a maximum of 30 evaluators per step
- Category Assignment: Action items for by category will be triggered when an note is submitted with the same category the user is assigned to.
- Note: There is a limit of 30 evaluators per category (180 total per step).
- Select Template Setup to create a new template or modify an existing one.
- Learn more about Scorecard templates here!
- Due Date: The manager can set the due date dynamically from date assigned or manually select a date if needed.
- Idea Editing: Assignees who are not already administrators will be able to edit some attributes such as idea title, description and category.
- Action Items: Cancel open action items when submission moves out of Step.
- Send Alerts:
- Daily emails will include any Action Items assigned from the previous day
- Daily, Assignees will receive a single email alert for new Action Items for that step at 9:00 a.m. (this will respect system time zone settings)
- Immediately: An email alert will be sent Immediately to each Assignee when a new Action Item is assigned.
- Daily: An email alert will be sent to each Assignee when the first Action Item is assigned. Subsequent email alerts will be sent Daily.
- Email Subject and Body: The assigner has the option to enter in any desired email subject and body text - which will be sent to the selected evaluators.
- Dynamic Fields: Allows the assigner to include dynamic fields in an Email
- Evaluations Tab: Enables the ability to display evaluation results to submitters and team members.
- Click here to learn more
- Recurring Reminders: Send email reminders to assignees after X days of inactivity.
- Action Item Escalation: Notify certain recipients when an action item hasn’t been completed in X days.
Select Activate to complete the configuration.
- After the action item is triggered in Brightidea, the assignee will receive an email / notification notifying them of their open Scorecard action item to complete.
- Once assigned, the evaluators can complete their scorecard action items by filling out the scorecard questionnaire and selecting Commit Scorecard

Important Note: Once a Scorecard evaluation has been completed for a Submission, the Pipeline Steps View will show the overall score next to the Submission. Hovering over the Submission will also show how many Evaluators have completed and are remaining to evaluate.
What formula is used to calculate scorecard scores?
- Please refer to the below formula for any manual scorecard calculations:
- The total point counts across all scorecard questions is added and divided by the total number of possible points to create a scorecard score.
Can you assign scorecards to individuals beyond who ? In my case, I have one main evaluator, but will have a different SME each time needing to evaluate. How can I assign the score card to different people each time?
Hi Laura,
Yes, you can add evaluators to the step configuration and they will be assigned the scorecard. However, if a different scorecard template is required, the only option is to create multiple scorecard steps.
Please let me know if you have any other questions on this topic.
Brightidea Support
Ron, need your help with a scorecard I'm building. I have five questions and i want question 2 to have the most impact to the overall score. What is the best way to weight those answers so that they have a higher value/impact to the score? From my understanding it's weighted based on each individual answer choice vs. the sum of all choices.
Hi Stephanie,
The only way that can be done is if you assign higher values to the answer choices of those two questions. However, the formula described above will still add them all up and divide by the total.
It's not possible to strictly assign a weight to a specific question.
Please keep in mind the above formula if making any changes.
Brightidea Support
Hello, I activate scorecards for a 2016 Performance and Service Award and I selected the activate button but no actions have been assigned and no emails have been sent. Please advise.
Hi Sandy,
Please double check that you added ideas to the step after it is configured. If you are still having an issue, please submit a ticket and we will take a look.
Ron Orlovetskiy
Brightidea Support
When scorecards are complete, what is the best way to analyze results? If the export or download function is used before all the scorecard data has been submitted, do you lose all the data? I'm not able to find specific information on what how to analyze or review scorecard results. Thank you.
Hi Sandy,
You can check the step manage section to see the results. Also, the data can be exported at anytime, no data is lost.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Brightidea Support
Thank you--I found the section on what exports are available in Pipeline. This was more helpful than the scorecard tool pdf===the scorecard tools addresses how to build one but doesn't give options for looking at results once the scorecards have been completed.
Do you need to close an action to export? I just want to make sure I don't lose data/scoring results.
Thank you.
No, the data can be exported at any point. There is no specific action needed to export the results.
Brightidea Support
I have a scorecard set up for a Round 2 evaluation. There are 6 judges and 115 submissions. I only need each of the 115 submissions to be evaluated twice. How do I configure the scorecard to randomly assign ~38 submissions to each judge so that all submissions get two evaluations?
Hi Steve,
That's not something that is possible in a single scorecard step. I think you will need multiple scorecard step, perhaps 1 for each evaluator? That way you can add the needed ideas per evaluator to each step.
Brightidea Support
I have a series of questions that fall under different categories or themes. Is there a way to aggregate the scores from questions within a theme, or does that have to be done offline by exporting to excel?
Is there a way to print/save a graphic output of a Scorecard including the spider diagram
Hi Michael, we may need more information on what you are trying to accomplish, but it sounds like we may not have a feature that supports what you are looking for. Feel free to post your idea in our Public Ideaspace (bi.brightidea.com/ideas)
I can't see the category assignment in the drop down. How can I open it up?