Scorecards are useful tools to get quality evaluations for Submissions. These Scorecards are configurable to ask specific questions to achieve the highest quality results. Below are details on how to create and edit Scorecards so that they can be used in multiple Pipelines.
Creating Scorecard Template
To create a new Scorecard Template, navigate to Pipeline Management > Scorecards > Templates. This is where Admins can create new scorecard templates for use in any of their Pipeline(s).
Note: Moderators do not have access to create or update Scorecard Templates.
In the template area, select "Create New Template". The user will be prompted to input a new template name.
After entering the template name, select "Add Question" to start adding scorecard evaluation questions to the template:
Admins can select one of the following formats for your questions:
- Multiple Choice (One answer)
- Multiple Choice (More than one answer)
- Select Answer (Dropdown List)
- Short Answer
- Long Answer
Please fill out the question, tooltip, its respective answers, and how much points each question will be weighted. This will determine the individual and overall scoring for this evaluation in the Pipeline. Note: We recommend using whole positive integers only (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4). Negative weights are not supported by Brightidea and should not be inputted.
Select "Required to Answer" check box if this answer is REQUIRED to answer for the Evaluator. Therefore, the evaluator cannot submit his evaluation without filling out this question(s).
Select "Add an Answer" if the Scorecard needs additional answer options. Select small gray "x" icon to remove answer options
Fill out the Tooltip text to display a tooltip on that specific question. The scorecard question tooltip allows the administrator to display additional information about the question or the answers. Configured tooltips will display by hovering over the "i" icon to see the tooltip for the individual question.
Select "Available for All Initiatives" if this Scorecard should be available for all Pipelines.
After the Scorecard is finished with configurations, select "Save" to finalize that specific questions. Note: Clicking "Save" will only save the individual question not the entire form.
When finished adding all questions, select "Save Form" to save the entire template.
Copying Scorecard Template
When configuring a Scorecard template in Pipeline, Admins have the ability to copy existing templates. To copy an existing template, Admins can select the Scorecard they wish to copy.
After selecting a template, Admins have the option make changes to the existing template, once they are finished they can click "Actions" and then select "Save as New Template". Note: Do not select "Save Form" or it will overwrite the original template and not create a copy.
Editing Scorecard Template
In the Scorecard setup section, Admins can select any Scorecard template to edit. Once a template is selected the administrator can make changes to the questions by selecting "Edit".
Note: If a Scorecard Template has been sent to Evaluators the edit functionality will be limited to prevent errors.
Important Note: Existing Action items will be canceled and re-assigned if the scorecard template is modified and any associated step in your Pipeline is updated. We highly recommend not making any changes to existing scorecard templates that are in use!
Deleting Scorecard Template
Within the Scorecard template screen, Admins can click the "Actions" button and select "Delete Template" from the dropdown. Note: Scorecard templates that are currently in use can't be deleted! The associated scorecard action item(s) must be deleted from the system first.
If i use the question type multiple choice (more than one answer), how does that impact the weighting?
Hi Stephanie,
It will add up the score for each answer choice selected and divide by the total. Please see the scorecard formula in the below article,
Brightidea Support
Hello Ron,
How can we change the existing scorecard template with another(existing) one for a particular pipeline?
Pls advise.
Ronald Lapina - Lear Corp.
Hi Ronald,
If it's an existing step with action items assigned, the only way to use a new template would be to create a new step and configure the new template there.
Let me know if you have any other questions on this topic.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
Is there a way to pull the results of scorecards in excel?