Comparing Scorecards in Pipeline Management Scorecard Tool

The compare Scorecard feature allows administrators to compare and contrast Scorecard results to better analyze evaluation feedback. This feature will allow an easier representation of both strengths and weaknesses for evaluated ideas. Instead of looking at the average score the evaluator can dig a little deeper.




Getting Started

  • To start, the administrator will navigate to a Scorecard Tool Type in Pipeline Management where they can see the completed scorecard evaluations.
    • Click on the "gear" icon in the step view and select "Manage Scorecard"


  • Once selected, the user will be able to compare Scorecards for ideas in both the "Currently in Step" and "Step History" tabs.
    • The administrator can then select whichever ideas they want to compare by selecting the check box next to the idea(s):

  • After the Scorecards are selected to compare select the "Actions" button and select "Compare Scorecards" to view the Scorecard comparison via spider chart diagram:

  • The spider chart diagram will display two ideas at a time and allows the selection of other ideas via the drop-down list:

  • The administrator can scroll down to compare the individual scorecard questions as well:


  • Select "Close" when finished!
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