System Admins, Pipeline Admins, and Moderators can assign Action Items within their respective Pipelines to Evaluators using the various Step tool types. Assigned Evaluators will have the opportunity to give input on assigned Ideas via their Action Items to advance the innovation process!
Table of Contents:
- Getting Started
- My Action Item List
- Completing Action Items as an Evaluator
- Available Tool Types for Evaluators
- Important Notes
Getting Started
Admins/Moderators can assign users as Evaluators for each Step within their Pipeline to trigger various Action Items.
- Evaluator(s) can be configured for each of the Step tool types that are available in the Pipeline. Below is an example of a Scorecard Action Item configuration:

- Once the Step is configured, the Action Item assignee(s) will receive a notification when new Ideas are added to the Step.
- After the Action Item has been assigned, Evaluators will see a notification count on the Action Items icon in the top Global Navigation menu bar.
- Clicking the icon will display a list of any new or outstanding Action Items they have been tasked to complete:

- Clicking on an individual notification will open that Action Item.

- Depending on whether Admins/Moderators select the email option in the tool type, users may receive an additional email notification when they have been assigned an Action Item.
- To navigate to the Action Item from the email, simply click on the link provided in the message:

My Action Items List
- All assigned Action Items are accessible to the respective assignees via the My Action Items list.
- The Action Items list has three main tabs: Open, Completed, and All.
- To view the complete Action Items list, click on the Action Item icon in the Global Navigation menu and select View All.

- Each tab in the List View will display the Action Items based on respective Status:
- Open- Outstanding Action Items that need to be completed.
- Completed- Evaluators can view or update completed Action Items
- All- Evaluators can view all Action Items that have been assigned to them

- To update a completed Action Item, Evaluators can select the Completed tab and click on the Action Item from the list:

- The Evaluator will be redirected to the Evaluation screen for that Action Item, where they can make the desired updates depending on the Action Item type:

Completing Action Items as an Evaluator
- When an Evaluator selects an open Action Item, they are redirected to the My Action Items tab, where they can complete it.

- As the Evaluator completes each open Action Item, they will automatically be advanced to the next open Action Item of the same tool type in the list.
- Alternatively, Evaluators can manually select an item in the Action Item list to view and complete it.
- Within the Action Item itself, in addition to completing the assigned evaluation, they can also perform the following actions:
- Review all attributes of the idea (attachments, votes, comments, any additional information) to help complete the evaluation.
- Edit Idea attributes if editing is allowed by the Admin/Moderator.
- Provide feedback and/or ask questions through different comment types available on the Action Item. Feedback can be addressed to both Idea Submitters and/or other Evaluators.

Available Tool Types for Evaluators
- Admins and Moderators can assign different Action Items depending on the tool type selected to configure in their Pipeline.
- Each tool type has a different process that determines how the Idea is evaluated and what is required from the Evaluator.
- Below is an overview of the available tool types in Pipeline Management.
- The Development tool enables Evaluators to answer configured Development questions.
- The Development Action Item can have multiple users assigned, including a Development Lead and a Development Team.
- Learn more about the Development tool type here.

- A Scorecard Action Item allows the assigned Evaluator to answer a Scorecard-based questionnaire for the assigned Ideas independently from other Evaluators.
- A percentile score is assigned to an Idea depending on how the assigned Evaluator answers the questions.
- If multiple Evaluators are assigned to the same Action Item, all Evaluator scores will be averaged to produce a final Scorecard value for the Idea.
- Learn more about the Scorecard tool type here.

- The Pairwise tool type is an “A/B” Idea comparison tool.
- Evaluators are presented with two ideas at a time to compare and select the better Idea.
- They can select either or neither Idea before being presented with the next pairing.
- After all Ideas have been evaluated, an algorithm then ranks the Ideas based on a point system.
- Learn more about the Pairwise tool type here.

- Review

- Stack Rank
- The Stack Rank action item allows Evaluators to order the assigned Ideas from best to worst.
- Learn more about the Stack Rank tool type here.

Single Scale
- The Single Scale Action Item allows Evaluators to rate Ideas quickly and effectively assign numeric ratings on ideas being considered for selection / handoff using a specified numeric range (e.g., 1-7).
- Learn more about the Single Scale tool type here.

- Project

Important Notes:
- In order for Evaluators to view and complete assigned Action Items, all assigned Evaluators are automatically granted view access to all Ideas in the assigned Pipeline, even if the Initiative is group-restricted.
Evaluators assigned to a Step may be removed from the Step Configuration without impacting previously completed Action Items. When an Evaluator is removed from a Step:
- Open action items will be canceled and the removed Evaluator will no longer receive new Action Items for that Step.
- Previously completed Action Items will remain saved, and results will remain visible in Step Manage pages, evaluation scores, summaries, and exports.
- Removed Evaluators may be re-added to the Step. Re-adding them will not re-assign any previously assigned Action Items to the Evaluator.
- For Category Assignment, the assignee must be manually removed from all Categories to be fully removed. Alternatively, Evaluators can be permanently deleted from the Action Item Progress page; this will also delete them as an assigned Evaluator from all Categories.
Is this the same for Team Workspace ... if you add someone to Team Workspace, they are added to the group and have visibility on ALL other submissions in that space?