The Communications tab in Pipeline Setup allows Admins to enable and configure certain email templates that are triggered from Pipeline activity. These emails can be automatically sent whenever your Users perform certain actions, such as submitting ideas, status change, and more.
Getting Started
To configure Pipeline Communication emails, navigate to the Pipeline Setup and click into the Emails tab under Communications.
Communications: Emails Tab
Individual emails templates are offered for Admins so that automatic communications can be sent to Submitters, Subscribers, and Participants whenever an certain action is made. Each of the templates can be enabled and configured in this tab.
Each individual template is broken down into the action that is made and the User that will receive the communication. For example, whenever the action "Challenge Brief Question is Answered" then the email communication will be sent to the "Question Submitter".
Within the template body of each email, Users have a selection of format styling they can choose from. The format styling will exist at the top row of the template body. Note: Applying images is unsupported at this time.
Admins will also have the ability to apply dynamic fields into the template. These dynamic fields will automatically generate URLs, Submission Names, User emails, and more depending on the information that Admins wish to display in the email.
The following emails are currently available in the Pipeline level Communications tab to configure:
- Challenge Brief Question Answered | Question Submitter
- Challenge Brief Question Asked | Challenge Admins and Sponsors
- Comment on Update Feed Post | Activity Poster
- Comment on Idea | Idea Submitter
- Comment on Idea | Idea Subscriber
- Idea Status Changed | Idea Submitter
- Idea Status Changed | Idea Subscriber
- New Idea Submitted | Category Follower
- New Idea Submitted | Idea Submitter
- New Idea Submitted | WebStorm Follower/Subscriber
- Registration Request | Registration Requester
- Registration Request | Registration Requester (existing account)
- Submitter Accepts User to Join Team | User
- Submitter Declines User to Joine Team | User
- Tag(s) Added to an Idea | Idea Submitter
- Tag(s) Added to an Idea | Tag Follower
- Team Workspace Invitation | Invited Team Member
- User Applies to Join Team | Submitter
- User Requests Mobile App | Requesting User
- WebStorm Phase Change | WebStorm Follower/Subscriber
Note: These emails are only available within this Tab and will not appear in Site Setup > System Email Messages. To configure any email templates that are not currently available in Pipeline Setup > Emails, please continue to use the Site Setup > Site > System Email Messages tab:
Communications: Settings Tab
The Settings tab (underneath the Emails tab) can be configured for the overall functionality of emails. The following settings are available:
- Send Email Alerts: Enable or disable sending Email Alerts to your Pipeline participants. If disabled, this will disable all email templates. If Enabled, individual email templates can still be toggled on or off.
- Contact Information:
- Contact Name: This populates the Contact Name field in email in system email messages. If the field is blank, this will default to the Contact Name set in Enterprise setup.
- Contact Email: This controls the displayed email sender for email alerts to your users. If the field is blank, this will default to the Contact Email set in Enterprise setup.
Can you add logos to these communications?
Hi Stephanie,
Unfortunately, the template here do not support images, so it's not possible to upload a logo at this time.
Best Regards,
Brightidea Support