Admins are able to track how Submissions are progressing through Statuses by exporting one of our available reports. These exports are available at the System-, Community-, and Initiative-levels.
Each day will start counting at 12am UTC the day of submission to the next day 12am.
- For example if a Submission is created at 11pm UTC Wednesday, then at 12am UTC on Thursday it will begin its first countdown. Admins will then see "1 Day in Status" at Friday 12am UTC.
Two types of exports are available:
- Submission Days in Status: This shows how long individual submissions stayed in custom and system statuses
Export columns:
Status: The current status of the submission
Submitted: The date the submission was submitted
Days since Submitted: The number of days from submission to today (when the report is generated)
Days in “[STATUS]”: For each custom status, the number of days that the submission was in that status
One column should appear for each status in the Initiative
Total days in Active system statuses: Total number of days the submission was in statuses with an "Active" system status; this should be aggregated across multiple statuses sharing the same “Active” system status
Total days in Paused system statuses: Total number of days the submission was in statuses with a "Paused" system status; this should be aggregated across multiple statuses sharing the same “Paused” system status
Time to Closed system statuses: If the submission is currently in a “Stopped” or “Complete” system status, the total number of days between submission and the when it is moved to a “Stopped” or “Complete” system status
User Name: Submitter user name
User Email
Member ID
- Status Summary: This shows at the initiative-level the average time that submissions stayed in custom and system status
Export columns:
Submissions in "[STATUS]”: For each custom status, the number of submissions currently in that status
Average days in “[STATUS]”: For each custom status, the average number of days submissions were in that status
NOTE: Submissions in “[STATUS]” and Average days in “[STATUS]” columns should always be paired together for each status (e.g. Submissions in “Open”, Average days in “Open”, Submissions in “Paused”, Average days in “Paused”, etc.)
Submissions in Active system status: Number of submissions moved to a “Active” system status
Average days in Active system status: Average number of days that submissions remain "Active" system statuses
Submissions in Complete system status: Number of submissions moved to a “Complete” system statuses
Average days to Complete system status: Average number of days between submission date to being moved to “Complete" system statuses
Submissions in Stopped system status: Number of submissions moved to a "Stopped" system status
Average days to Stopped system status: Average number of days between submission to being moved to "Stopped" system statuses
Average days to Closed system status: For submissions currently in a “Stopped” or “Complete” system status, the average number of days before submissions are moved to either a “Stopped” or “Complete” system status
Important Note:
- Excel enforces a 30,000 character limit per cell for exported XLSX files; additional characters will be truncated.
- There is no character limit per cell for CSV exports.