Licensing Management


License Management Overview

Brightidea offers several different licensing structures to fit your organizational needs.

Feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager to confirm your specific license structure and allocation, or if you have any questions regarding your purchased licenses.

Information on your specific Purchased, In Use, and Available license count can be found within the People Pillar of the application. This article outlines the types of roles that utilize a license and how to manage the user assignments for those roles.



Licensed Roles

Listed below are the Roles that are typically licensed within the system. If you have any questions specific to your Brightidea system please contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Each Role provides different levels of permissions. Also, not all roles will count towards Licensing, such as Analysts and Evaluators. The following Roles are licensed roles and will count toward your purchased license total:

  • Affiliate Sponsor
  • System Administrator
  • Community Administrator
  • Pipeline Administrator
  • Pipeline Moderator
  • Idea Box Manager
  • Idea Box IT System Manager
  • Idea Box Pipeline Manager

For more detail on these Roles see the Role Descriptions article here


Viewing and Modifying Role assignments

Leverage the People Pillar
Within your Command Center > People Pillar, you will find a tab for 'Licenses'.


This list displays your current count of Licensed users as well as the Permission level for each user. It will also display the total number of purchased licenses. For roles such as Pipeline Administrator and Moderator, you can see which specific Pipeline the Administrator belongs to, by selecting the blue link of each role.


Clicking into each Pipeline will direct you to the Pipeline Setup > Roles where you can add/remove/update Users within these roles.


To Edit / Remove your Administrators

To add or remove 'System Administrators':
Navigate to your System Setup > Users > Administrators and you will see a list of all the current System Administrators. Select the red 'X' button to the right of each name to remove that user's System Administrator permissions.


To add a new System Administrator, simply search the user within the search bar at the bottom. Once the user is found, select the 'Add Administrator' button to give them permissions.


To add or remove 'Community Administrators':
Navigate to Community Setup > Initiatives > Communities to see a list of the Community Administrators for each Community. 

Selecting the 'X' to the right of each name will remove that User's Community Administrator permissions.


To add a new Administrator begin typing a name within the search bar at the bottom. Once the user is found, select the name and click the Save button to give them permissions.




To add or remove 'Initiative Administrators':
Navigate to your Pipeline Setup > Roles to see a list of the Initiative Administrators for each Initiative. Select the blue 'X' button to the right of each name will remove that User's Initiative Administrator permissions.



To add a new Initiative Administrator, simply search the user within the user field. Once the user is found, select their name to give them permissions.

To add or remove 'Moderators':
Navigate to your Pipeline Setup > Roles and you will see a list of the Moderators for each Initiative. Select the blue 'X' button to the right of each name will remove that User's Moderator permissions.


To add a new Moderator, simply search the user within the user field. Once you find the user you wish to add, select their name to grant them permissions.


Important Notes:

  • If a user is assigned to multiple licensed roles that user will only use up one Purchased License.
  • To remove a user from a Purchased License you must remove that user from all licensed roles that they may be assigned to.


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