Video file attachments for submissions can be displayed in embedded video players. This feature can be enabled for Initiatives by going to Site Setup > Ideas > Ideas. Scroll down to Options and Settings and check the box for View Video Attachments in Description tab.
Once enabled, video file attachments on submissions will automatically be viewable in an embedded video player, which appears above the description. This video player is visible from all submission views, including View Idea 2.0, Step Manage pages, and Action Item views.
If multiple video attachments are added, they will display stacked in ascending order with the most recently added attachment at the top of the stack.
- The size limit for uploaded video files is 500MB.
- Supported video formats include .mp4, .mov, .mpg, .wmv, and .avi.
- Note: By default, embedded videos will display at a maximum width of 500px.
- Note: Attached video files may require processing before appearing in the player, depending on the video file size.