Brightidea Slack Integration Through Webhook

Setting up the Brightidea Slack Channel Integration using the Rules Engine




Table Of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Slack Setup
  3. Brightidea Setup


You can stay on top of what is happening in your Brightidea campaigns by sending notifications to your Slack channel whenever an idea or comment is submitted to a campaign in your Brightidea platform in real-time!

Slack Setup

Set Up Your Slack Team
First, let’s set up what’s called a ‘webhook’ for your Slack Team.
  • Slack provides all needed documentation to do this here.  
1. Open your Slack account.
Click on your team name and then select ‘Apps & integrations’.
In the Search Bar type ‘Incoming Webhooks’ and select the app with this icon .
Click ‘Add Configuration.’

2. On the next window, you are asked to choose a channel to which you would like to post your Brightidea notifications.

This will be the default channel. This channel can be overridden later when setting up the integration within the Brightidea Site Setup.

3. Next, you are taken to documentation on how to use the webhook you just created for your Slack Team.

Notice the Webhook URL generated for you. We will use this later in the Brightidea system. It looks like this:

Scroll to the bottom to set the name of your integration and logo.


Brightidea Setup

  • Below is a step-by-step guide to setting up your Brightidea Campaign to post notifications to Slack, using the Webhook URL you just created within Slack above. 

1. Navigate to the Pipeline of the Challenge/Initiative you would like to set up to post notifications to Slack and select ‘Setup’:



2. Under 'Setup', select Rules --> Actions --> Add Rule to create a new rule which we will use for this Slack integration. 

Give this rule a title and choose the event which would trigger this rule.

For example, if you want a notification to be posted to Slack whenever an idea is submitted to this Challenge/Initiative, select ‘Idea Submitted’. Choose any necessary conditions you would like this rule to follow as well. 



3. Under 'Perform the Following Actions' within the Rule configuration, select ‘Post to URL.

Select POST and input the Webhook URL you generated from your Slack account e.g.

Under Headers, enter HDR1:hdr1 (as a placeholder).

Your Parameters will follow a specific format given by Slack:

Feel free to copy and paste the parameters below, replacing the appropriate content with your own.

These dynamic fields are available for use in this integration:


Channel: When creating the webhook within your Slack Team, you set a default channel. To override the default channel, input the name of the channel, like #general or @sally (for a direct message).

Fallback and Pretext: This will probably change according the trigger event. For example, you might want it to read ‘A comment was submitted to the campaign [WEBSTORM_NAME].’

Color: Input any color code to change the color of the attachment. Right now, it is set to gray.

Title: This is the title of the attachment. In this case, it will display the title of the idea that was submitted.

Value: You can set the ‘value’ to anything. However, you will most likely want this to be a link which directs the user to your Brightidea platform, showing the event that triggered the notification--for example, a link to the idea that was just submitted.

The current input will automatically grab your BI account’s idea code to link directly to the idea which triggered the notification. The part you need to input is the ‘abc’ in the url—change it to your company’s url.


payload={"channel": "[channel]", "attachments":[


         "fallback": "An idea was submitted.",

         "pretext": "An idea was submitted to [WEBSTORM_NAME].",












The above format will be displayed as a Slack message like this: 



Finally, finish by creating the Rule and keep an eye out for notification messages on your Slack Platform triggered by Brightidea!

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